Home BUSINESS News 78 new routes approved under 4th round of Regional Connectivity Scheme UDAN | Economy News

78 new routes approved under 4th round of Regional Connectivity Scheme UDAN | Economy News

78 new routes approved under 4th round of Regional Connectivity Scheme UDAN | Economy News


New Delhi: The Civil Aviation Ministry on Thursday approved 78 new routes under the 4th round of Regional Connectivity Scheme UDAN

North Eastern Region, Hilly States and Islands have been given priority in the 4th phase of UDAN. In the list for approved routes, 29 served, 08 unserved (including 02 heliports and 01 water aerodrome), and 02 underserved airports have been included.

Overall 766 routes have been sanctioned so far under the Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik (UDAN) scheme.

It may be recalled that the Ministry of Civil Aviation had launched Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS) in October 10 2016 to stimulate regional air connectivity and making air travel affordable to the masses. 

Since then three round of biddings have been completed. The first RCS-UDAN flight was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on April 27 2017 in Shimla.


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