Home HEALTH & FITNESS 9 Quick And Simple Breakfast Recipes For A Morning After Parties

9 Quick And Simple Breakfast Recipes For A Morning After Parties

9 Quick And Simple Breakfast Recipes For A Morning After Parties


With Diwali comes an occasion to celebrate food. Delightful sweets and hearty meals help to bring friends and family together. A Diwali evening party is as much about a gala food fest as it is about catching up with people. But the fun and food can leave you a bit exhausted. In such a case, opting for a heavyweight breakfast isn’t the best choice. Instead, try to give yourself some rest and go for some quick and simple breakfast recipes. Not sure what to cook the morning after a full-fledged party? Here are nine breakfast recipes to get you going on mornings after a hectic party:

1.Besan Cheela

Besan cheela has always been the go-to quick and simple Indian breakfast. Besan or chickpea flour is gluten-free, rich in protein and fibre.


Cheela is an easy breakfast option

2.Spinach Pancake

Pancakes are fun to have and easy to make. Add a healthy twist to the dish by cooking it with spinach. For the filling, add mushroom and cheese.

3.Chicken Omelette With Sauteed Mushrooms

Want a fuss-free breakfast? Fry an omelette. Add chicken chunks cooked with onions, celery and soy sauce. Serve with sautéed mushrooms.


Try this delicious cheesy omelette

4.Rawa Upma

Try the simple Indian rawa Upma for a quick and light breakfast. Cook rawa or semolina with mustard seeds, coriander leaves, black gram, vegetables and spices.

5.Oats Uttapam

This dish can be made in under 15 minutes. Reap the benefits of oats, semolina, yoghurt and vegetables while enjoying a tasty dish.

6.Fresh Fruit Muesli

Nothing beats a good breakfast bowl made with muesli and fresh fruits. Rejuvenate and detox yourself with this healthy bowl.

bircher museli

Try making this dish with museli

7.Cranberry Wellness Bowl

Add the sweet-sour flavour of cranberry to your quick-fix breakfast bowl. Throw in a lot of ingredients like sweet potato, carrots, spring onions, sprouted chickpeas and lettuce.

8.Breakfast Salad

You can choose to start the day on a lighter note with a salad. This will help detox your body after a night of parties.

9.Melon and Kiwi Fruit Smoothie

Want an easier option for breakfast. Blend melon and kiwi fruit in a mixer with milk and honey. Enjoy this smoothie for a simple breakfast.


Try a refreshing smoothie for breakfast


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