Home GLOBAL NEWS Ocasio-Cortez is working with the Biden campaign on climate policy

Ocasio-Cortez is working with the Biden campaign on climate policy

Ocasio-Cortez is working with the Biden campaign on climate policy


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a liberal icon, suspended his campaign and endorsed Biden last month, and the two pledged to work together on policy through a set of six committees they said they would jointly create.

“We’ve set up joint committees together to deal with how we would deal with everything from the [coronavirus] all the way down to education, the criminal justice system, the new Green Deal, etc.,” Biden told Las Vegas TV station KLAS on Tuesday. “We have, you know, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. She is on one of the panels.”

Ocasio-Cortez authored the House version of the Green New Deal and was elected to Congress after unseating a member of the House Democratic leadership in 2018. She draws the ire of conservatives and has frequently sparred with President Trump via social media.

Ocasio-Cortez will act as Sanders’s representative on a climate policy panel, said Lauren Hitt, a spokeswoman for Ocasio-Cortez.

“She believes the movement will only be successful if we continue to apply pressure both inside and outside the system,” Hitt said. “This is just one element of the broader fight for just policies.”

Ocasio-Cortez backed Sanders in the Democratic primary and stood by his side at some of the largest rallies he held during his bid for the presidential nomination.

She has not formally endorsed Biden, but she has said she plans to vote for him. As of the middle of last month, the two had never spoken.

Biden mentioned Ocasio-Cortez after being asked whether the Democratic Party would unite. “The good news is that Bernie has robustly endorsed me,” Biden said. “I’m working with Bernie and with his people.”

Biden also suggested that liberals who didn’t back him in the primary were unfamiliar with his campaign message.

“What they’re finding out now that the nomination process is de facto over — they’re finding out positions I have on an awful lot of things were not accurately characterized and they’re feeling more comfortable.”


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