Home GLOBAL NEWS Analysis | What is ‘Obamagate,’ anyway? And how does it involve Michael Flynn?

Analysis | What is ‘Obamagate,’ anyway? And how does it involve Michael Flynn?

Analysis | What is ‘Obamagate,’ anyway? And how does it involve Michael Flynn?


It seems Trump is keeping his allegation intentionally vague. “You know what the crime is,” he said Monday when asked by reporters what he meant and what specific crimes he was alleging. Pressed, Trump was unable to name any.

But we got some clues on Wednesday that it may be connected to two things close to Trump’s heart:

  1. Trump’s full-scale effort to undermine the Russia investigation that dominated nearly the first two years of his presidency and swept up many of his top aides, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
  2. Trump’s reelection efforts

Whatever it is, this Obamagate allegation seems to be ramping up this week with the help of some Senate Republicans, Trump’s conservative media allies and his top intelligence chief — and more and more, it seems to be geared at Trump’s presumptive 2020 opponent, Joe Biden.

On Wednesday, Senate Republicans released the names of Obama administration officials who may have asked intelligence officials to reveal the hidden names of Americans popping up in intelligence reports in December 2016 and January 2017. One of the people on the senators’ list was then-Vice President Biden.

An American unmasked in one of those intelligence reports was Flynn, who was observed talking to the Russian ambassador. At the time, Trump had won the presidency but hadn’t yet been inaugurated, but his incoming national security adviser was already talking with the Russian ambassador about sanctions levied on Russia by the Obama administration. (It was lies about those conversations that eventually got Flynn fired from his job shortly after Trump was inaugurated and eventually lead to a guilty plea that the Justice Department under William P. Barr is now arguing wasn’t actually a crime.)

Intelligence agencies routinely respond to such “unmasking”requests, which reveal the identities of U.S. individuals who are referred to documents to allow government officials to better understand what they are reading. Unmaskings are legal and agents say it’s a useful tool to uncover potential spies, according to The Post’s Shane Harris and Matt Zapotosky.

But sharing the names of who requested the unmasking is rare.

Republican senators publicized the names of those officials after Trump’s acting director of intelligence, Richard Grenell, declassified and gave the Justice Department their names. By disclosing these officials, the Senators are raising the specter of wrongdoing because members of the Obama administration, including and perhaps especially Biden, appear on the list. The not-so-quiet part that they leave unsaid: Did Biden somehow play a role in getting the FBI to investigate one of Trump’s allies?

There’s no evidence that’s the case.

Since his taking office, the president and his allies have accused the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and any possible ties to the Trump campaign as being a “hoax” and a political effort to undermine his presidency. Many continue to question the motives behind the investigation and the Obama administration’s role in it, especially Biden’s.

“It is, from my standpoint, pretty curious that the vice president of the United States would be requesting unmasking in this case of General Flynn eight days before he left office,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the chair of the Homeland Security Committee and one of the senators who released the names, said Wednesday night on Fox News.

That question has galvanized the right, as Trump continues to get low marks from the public for his response to the coronavirus pandemic. Conservative blogger Erick Erickson, who has criticized Trump’s coronavirus response, joined in by alleging on his blog that “a lot of people close to the Obama Administration spent a year leaking information about Mike Flynn to the press.”

Biden’s campaign called this a diversion from the coronavirus situation and emphasize that he did nothing wrong in requesting the unmasking. “The documents simply indicate the breadth and depth of concern across the American government, including among career officials, over intelligence reports of Michael Flynn’s attempts to undermine ongoing American national security policy through discussions with Russian officials or other foreign representatives,” his campaign said in a statement.

“Importantly, none of these individuals could have known Flynn’s identity beforehand,” it added. “These documents have absolutely nothing to do with the — any FBI investigation, and they confirm that all normal procedures were followed. Any suggestion otherwise is flat-out a lie.”

Biden has said he knew there was an investigation related to Flynn, but that was it. The FBI investigation into Russian meddling-turned special counsel investigation-turned Mueller report was critical of Trump but declined to accuse him of obstruction of justice, citing Justice Department policy against indicting a sitting president. (Indeed, much of that happened after Biden was out of office.)

Flynn was a central figure in the investigation. After he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and getting fired from his job as national security adviser, he struck a cooperation agreement to help investigators looked into Russian meddling in the election and whether the Trump campaign helped.

Trump has always bristled at Flynn and his allies being caught up in the investigation, alleging it was politically motivated to undermine his presidency shortly after it got started.

As recently as a few weeks ago, he said he’s open to pardoning Flynn. Though thanks to his Justice Department, he may not have to. Last week, the Justice Department under Attorney General William P. Barr moved to drop the case against Flynn, saying that essentially the FBI shouldn’t have been investigating Flynn in the first place and thus his lies weren’t material to a legitimate investigation. (A federal judge has put that on hold while he waits to hear from legal experts and a former judge who think Flynn should get sentenced.)

If Trump were trying to drum up another Ukraine-like scandal against Biden, this would be how it gets started. But just like with Biden’s work in Ukraine, when it comes to unmasking Flynn, there’s very little evidence that Biden did anything untoward, much less illegal.


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