1.5 crore in 12-14 age group got first Covid dose in a fortnight, says govt | India News – Times of India


NEW DELHI: More than 1.5 crore adolescents of 12-14 years have been covered with the first dose of Covid jab in a fortnight since March 16, when the programme was extended to cover this age group.
Besides, over 77% of those in the 15-17 years’ age group have also initiated vaccination, while around 51% of such youngsters are now fully immunised with two doses.
The government has asked states to speed up coverage of vaccination among youngsters with innovative and customised strategies, particularly in the wake of opening of schools and other institutions.
“Currently, our focus is to maximise coverage among adolescents so that the academic session can continue smoothly. Children have suffered a lot of loss during two years of the pandemic. Smooth resumption of academic activities should be priority for all. Vaccination coverage will help ensure this,” an official said.
Sources also suggest that the government will consider expansion of booster drive only after majority of adolescents are fully vaccinated.

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