Home HEALTH & FITNESS Alcohol liquor shops and paan shops to open in Green Zones -with conditions

Alcohol liquor shops and paan shops to open in Green Zones -with conditions

Alcohol liquor shops and paan shops to open in Green Zones -with conditions


Liquor Shops to open After Lockdown,mha guidelines,red zone in bangalore,lockdown extension in karna

Liquor shops have been allowed to open in Green Zones across the country

Are you living in Green Zone? Here’s some good news for you. Yes, liquor shops will now open from May 4 in Green Zone. Announcing lockdown 3, government also eased some restrictions in districts where there has been no coronavirus case or no new case in the 21 days. There is no restriction on liquor sale in Green Zones from May 4. As per the new notification by Union Home Ministry, alcohol and paan shops have been permitted in Green Zones. 

After almost a month and a half, as the government announced extension of the lockdown by two weeks, it has allowed liquor shops to operate in Green Zone. Also, not more than five persons should be present at one time inside the stores.

People in the allowed zones (Green) are happy and they have taken to Twitter to express their feelings:

All the activities have been permitted in Green Zones barring few that are prohibited throughout the country, irrespective of the zone. Buses can operate with up to 50% seating capacity and bus depots can operate with upto 50% capacity in the Green Zones.

There was a huge demand to end the ban on liquor sale during lockdown. However, opening shops would have beaten the purpose of a lockdown which was to contain the coronavirus outbreak in the country. Now, according to a report in The Week, a Congress MLA in Rajasthan gave a ‘scientific’ argument for wanting to open liquor outlets. MLA for Sangod constituency Bharat Singh Kundanpur wrote to Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday on the need to reopen liquor shops. Kundanpur wrote, “If coronavirus is cleaned by washing hands with alcohol (present in hand sanitisers), then the throats of drinkers will be cleaned of the virus by alcohol…” 

Also, people don’t forget – wear mask, maintain social distancing and keep washing hands. 

(Disclaimer: Alcohol consumption and eating gutkha and/or tobacco are injurious to health. India TV does not endorse this.)


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