Home HEALTH & FITNESS Chefs Simple Dish Gets 2-Minute Long Applause, Funny Video Goes Viral

Chefs Simple Dish Gets 2-Minute Long Applause, Funny Video Goes Viral

Chefs Simple Dish Gets 2-Minute Long Applause, Funny Video Goes Viral


Television shows are often mocked online for multiple reasons. Some people call them out for their over-dramatisation of everyday activities, while others feel they are unnecessarily over the top for no rhyme or reason. Internet users dig out some of the most hilarious clips from these television shows and they regularly go viral on social media. One example would be when Nigella Lawson accidentally mispronounced the word ‘Microwave’ on national television. The clip was circulated all over the internet resulting in much amusement for users. And now, another video from a British reality show is doing the rounds online. A cooking show had nearly 2-minute-long applause for one of its contestants, and the funny video has left Twitter in splits. Take a look:

(Also Read: Micro-What? Video Of Nigella Lawson Mispronouncing ‘Microwave’ Goes Viral)

The video was shared on Twitter by user @danielslaterr, where it garnered over 2 million views and 64k likes. It was originally from a handle called @too.mamma.too.mia. In the video, the contestant of the cooking show made ‘Confit Salmon with grilled vegetables’. The moment she said the name of the dish and displayed it, applause erupted from the anchor as well as the judges. The simple dish got a long and painful appreciation for at least a minute and a half, resulting in an awkward yet funny situation. “This is literally the funniest thing I have seen in 2 years,” wrote the user in the clip.

Twitter users were left in splits on seeing the 2-minute-long applause for such a simple dish. They shared a flurry of reactions to the viral video from the British cooking show. “It’s a british tradition,” speculated one user while another said, “This cannot be real what is happening!” Several others were admiring the applause and wanted it for themselves too. “This is the recognition I want for everything I do,” wrote one user while another said, “The spin, the awkward hug, the excessive clapping and cheers, the food getting cold on the counter, so much is happening!”

Take a look at the reactions to the post:

This is not the only cooking video that has left internet users disturbed. Recently, another video showed a strange shot of onions being chopped, causing much confusion on Twitter.

Click here to read more about this story.


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