BUSINESS News China’s Economy Barely Grows as Recovery Fades HS 17/07/2023 Advertisements China’s economy barely grew in the second quarter from the first and youth unemployment hit a record high in June, evidence of a fading recovery that risks leaving the global economy underpowered. Source link Tags: Economic News, economic performance, Economic Performance/Indicators, employment, Employment/Unemployment Figures, Epidemics, general news, Health, indicators, Infectious Diseases, Medical Conditions, Novel Coronaviruses, outbreaks, Outbreaks/Epidemics, political, Political/General News, Respiratory Tract Diseases, SYND, unemployment figures, Continue Reading Previous Tom Cruise’s New ‘Mission: Impossible’ Falls Short of Other Summer HitsNext Russia Says It Is Pulling Out of Ukraine Grain Deal More Stories BUSINESS News Wall Street Banks Prepare to Sell Billions of Dollars of X Loans HS 24/01/2025 BUSINESS News Canada to Provide $720 Million to Canada Post to Avoid Insolvency at Mail Service HS 24/01/2025 BUSINESS News Amazon Willing to Discuss Quebec Shutdown With Canadian Officials HS 24/01/2025