Home GLOBAL NEWS Coronavirus symptoms: Lasting breathlessness post-COVID may indicate lung issue | The Times of India

Coronavirus symptoms: Lasting breathlessness post-COVID may indicate lung issue | The Times of India

Coronavirus symptoms: Lasting breathlessness post-COVID may indicate lung issue  | The Times of India


Experiencing coronavirus symptoms long after the initial infection is not a new issue. Ever since the onset of the pandemic, long COVID has further degraded the health conditions and led to hospitalisation in several cases. From fatigue to hair fall, several health issues are being experienced by an individual after being infected with the coronavirus; the list is endless.

One of the most common symptoms is breathlessness.

Being an infectious disease of the respiratory system, coronavirus multiples in the lungs after entering the body, affecting its functioning in multiple ways. In severe cases, it leads to breathlessness, followed by pneumonia. The incidents of breathlessness are reported even months after the initial infection, which could be a sign of lung damage.


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