Home BUSINESS News Economy Week Ahead: Federal Reserve and Other Central Banks in Focus

Economy Week Ahead: Federal Reserve and Other Central Banks in Focus

Economy Week Ahead: Federal Reserve and Other Central Banks in Focus


Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s remarks are always of interest to investors.




Japan’s Statistics Bureau releases annual inflation data through August. Consumer prices in Japan rose 2.6% in July from a year earlier, exceeding the

Bank of Japan’s

2% target for four straight months.

The National Association of Home Builders releases its September housing-market index, based on a survey of home builders that gauges conditions in the single-family housing market. In August, the index declined for the eighth consecutive month amid supply-chain challenges, rising interest rates and worsening home affordability.


The Commerce Department releases August figures on house construction and building permits. Housing starts fell 9.6% in July from the month before while building permits declined 1.3%.


The Federal Reserve announces its latest interest-rate decision on the heels of an inflation report showing that underlying price pressures strengthened in August. Officials will release updated projections of interest rates, inflation, unemployment and economic growth, and Chairman

Jerome Powell

holds a news conference.

The Bank of Japan announces its latest monetary-policy decision as inflation exceeds its targeted 2% inflation threshold. The central bank has indicated it plans to continue its monetary stimulus until it achieves sustainable wage growth and price increases.


The Bank of England announces its latest monetary-policy decision as the U.K. grapples with high inflation. The central bank raised interest rates by the most in a quarter-century in its previous meeting.

The Labor Department releases the number of workers’ filings for unemployment benefits for the week ended Sept. 17. Initial jobless claims have declined for five consecutive weeks, hovering near the 2019 weekly average of around 218,000.


S&P Global releases September surveys of purchasing managers from around the world that measure global business activity. The August surveys pointed to a sharp slowdown in economic growth that month.

Write to Bryan Mena at bryan.mena@wsj.com

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Appeared in the September 19, 2022, print edition as ‘Economic Calendar.’


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