Economy Week Ahead: Job Market and Home Prices in Focus

The Labor Department will release July employment data this week. Job seekers attend a summertime job fair in Jackson, Miss.
Rogelio V. Solis/Associated Press
The Labor Department releases July data on job openings, quitting, hiring and layoffs. Openings declined for the third consecutive month in June, but still remained historically elevated.
The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller National Home Price Index will show home-price trends at the end of the second quarter. Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal expect the index to have risen at a slower pace in the year ended in June, compared with the month before.
The Conference Board’s consumer-confidence index, which measures American attitudes toward jobs and the economy, is estimated to have increased in August.
Figures released by the European Union’s statistics agency are expected to show that the annual rate of consumer-price inflation remained at 8.9% in August. That could prove to be a brief pause in an otherwise relentless climb in prices as a surge in natural-gas prices on wholesale energy markets reaches consumers over the coming months.
Figures set to be released by the European Union’s statistics agency may reflect a pause in climbing prices as residents brace for natural-gas price hikes.
Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg News
The Labor Department reports the number of new filings for unemployment benefits for the week ended Aug. 27. Initial jobless claims are hovering near 250,000 a week after having steadily increased since the spring, when they reached the lowest level in more than half a century.
The Labor Department is expected to report a revised estimate of U.S. labor productivity, a measure of goods and services produced per hour worked. Productivity fell for the second straight quarter in the April-through-June period.
A survey of purchasing managers released by the Institute for Supply Management is expected to show that activity in the U.S. manufacturing sector slowed in August compared with the month before. S&P Global will also release a manufacturers survey.
Construction spending in the U.S. is expected to have held steady last month, after seeing its first decline in June since September 2021.
The Labor Department will report how many jobs the U.S. economy added in August and say whether the unemployment rate held at the 50-year low reached in July. The August employment report will include updated figures on wage gains, a factor driving high inflation.
—Paul Hannon contributed to this article.
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Appeared in the August 29, 2022, print edition as ‘Economic Calendar.’