Home HEALTH & FITNESS Feeling Monday Blues? This Paneer Popcorn Recipe Will Brighten Up Your Day Instantly

Feeling Monday Blues? This Paneer Popcorn Recipe Will Brighten Up Your Day Instantly

Feeling Monday Blues? This Paneer Popcorn Recipe Will Brighten Up Your Day Instantly


It is Monday again and like always, it starts on a mundane note for most of us. After an exciting or relaxing weekend, we are getting back to work and trying to set tone for the week ahead. Amidst all things serious (and often, gloomy), somewhere we desire to give the day an exciting spin. Much agreeable? What if tell you that we have a perfect idea for that? Yes, you heard us. We bring a delicious recipe that will help you give an indulgent makeover to your regular Monday. The dish is called paneer popcorn. A yummy alternative to the super popular chicken popcorn, these crunchy cubes of paneer make for a perfect snack to pair with your evening tea. Besides, paneer popcorns are fuss-free and easy-to-make – just making it a dish we look for on a Monday. Let’s take a look.

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Paneer Popcorn Recipe: How To Make Paneer Popcorn At Home:

  • Take bite-sized paneer cubes in a bowl and oregano and thyme to it.
  • Add salt, black pepper and red chilli powder and mix.
  • Take besan in a bowl and add ginger-garlic paste to it.
  • Add turmeric powder, red chilli powder and baking soda and mix.
  • Add water to it and make a batter.
  • Add herb-mixed paneer cubes to the batter. Coat well.
  • Coat these paneer cubes again with bread crumbs.
  • Fry these paneer cubes until golden brown in colour.

That’s it! The crunchy and yummy paneer popcorns are ready to be relished. Serve them hot with some ketchup or green chutney by the side.

For more such delicious popcorn recipes, click here.

Happy Monday!

About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.


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