Home HEALTH & FITNESS Food Delivery Agent Eats Customers Food And Texts Him; See The Whole Chat

Food Delivery Agent Eats Customers Food And Texts Him; See The Whole Chat

Food Delivery Agent Eats Customers Food And Texts Him; See The Whole Chat


Online apps have made our life much easier. And among many of them, food delivery apps are on every smartphone. The convenience of having our favourite foods delivered to our doorstep in minutes in unparalleled. How we jump with excitement when the doorbell rings and the food delivery person hands over our packaged food. But this excitement turned into frustration for a man in the UK when a food delivery agent never turned up and sent a text instead, saying “sorry”. What happened next? Read on to know. 

A man named Liam Bagnall ordered food on British online food delivery company Deliveroo. While he was waiting to hear his doorbell ring, he got a text notification on his phone instead. The text by the food delivery agent read “Sorry”. When Bagnall replied “What happened”, the agent said, “This food is very tasty. I eat this, you can report to the Deliveroo Company.” Liam took to Twitter to share his plight by posting a screenshot of the entire chat. He wrote, “Deliveroo driver has gone rogue this morning.” 

Here’s the post: 

(Also Read: Delivery Agent Eats Man’s Chicken Wings And Fries, Explains In Funny Note)

Not being able to contain his anger, Liam even texted back saying, “You’re an awful man.” And to his surprise, the delivery agent wrote back, “I don’t care.” Shocking, isn’t it. The Twitter post has received 192k likes and thousands of comments so far. 

Here’s how Twitter reacted: 

(Also Read: IRCTC: Now Order Food On Train Via WhatsApp; Here’s How)

Meanwhile, as per a Mirror report, the delivery app has apologised saying “We expect all the riders we work with to behave professionally and respectfully at all times, so we were sorry to hear about this incident. 

“We have apologised to the customer, offered a gesture of goodwill which they have accepted and arranged for the meal to be redelivered – we’re also following up with the rider as a matter of urgency and take this very seriously,” the statement by Deliveroo added.  

What do you think of this situation? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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