Home Sports Former V8 Supercar driver Renee Gracie turns porn star

Former V8 Supercar driver Renee Gracie turns porn star



In a shocking move, former Australian V8 Supercar racer Renee Gracie has quit driving and switched to the adult industry.

Confirming the news, the 25-year-old said that she doesn’t regret ditching her racing career to become porn star, adding that it was one of the best thing she has done in her whole life.

“I wasn’t getting the results and couldn’t get the funding. I tried to do my best but it got to a point where my dream vanished. It has been the best thing I have done in my whole life,” Daily Telegraph quoted Renee as saying.

The switch from history-making V8 driver to adult entertainer has seen Reene a staggering increase in her earnings.

Renee said that her new profession has given her financial stability, claiming to earn up to approximately $25,000 (approx R18.8 lakh) per week by selling fans only photos and videos. This means, her monthly earning have also skyrocketed by $64,750 to $90,650 every month.

“It has put me in a financial position I could never have dreamt of and I really enjoy it. I sell those photos and people tip me. I have a 30-year housing loan that I am about to pay off in 12 months,”she said.

Meanwhile, Supercars released a statement confirming that Gracie has distance herself from the sport.

“Supercars is aware of the article regarding former Super2 driver Renee Gracie. As Ms Gracie is no longer competing in Super2, Supercars will not be commenting further,”a spokesman  of Supercars said.

In 2015, Renee became the first full-time female driver from the country to compete in  V8 Supercar. She was popular around the track at that time before poor form and lack of funding saw her being replaced by another driver. 


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