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Inside the Race to Save Ukraine’s Greatest Treasures – Tug of War – Podcast on CNN Audio

Inside the Race to Save Ukraine’s Greatest Treasures – Tug of War – Podcast on CNN Audio


Inside the Race to Save Ukraine’s Greatest Treasures – Tug of War – Podcast on CNN Audio

Inside the Race to Save Ukraine’s Greatest Treasures
Tug of War

Ukrainian officials claim Russia has targeted numerous cultural and historical sites during its assault on the country. In response, artists and historians have been racing to save key artifacts in an effort to preserve Ukrainian culture. CNN Style Global Editor Fiona Sinclair Scott has the story of one such artist and examines how some Ukrainian residents have returned to the ballet in hopes of a more normal night out. 

See the “Fountain of Exhaustion”: cnn.com/war 

Recorded on May 31, 2022.

Jun 1, 2022


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