Home HEALTH & FITNESS International Tea Day: 5 Refreshing Teas That Can Help You Detox

International Tea Day: 5 Refreshing Teas That Can Help You Detox

International Tea Day: 5 Refreshing Teas That Can Help You Detox


Chai isn’t just a drink for Indians, rather it’s an emotion that we swear by. Whether it’s about sharing our life struggles with best friends or an evening with the loved one, a steaming hot cup of tea has always been the best companion. Despite being one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, tea is versatile and can be prepared in several ways using many distinct ingredients depending upon the need. And, May 21 is celebrated as International Tea Day. It gives us an opportunity to acknowledge the importance of this beverage and know its benefits as well. These days, many people have started consuming tea to get rid of the toxins from their bodies. Ideal detox tea can be prepared with a few healthy, household ingredients that not only make you feel refreshed but also help you with the process of detoxification. Take a look at five tea recipes that can be a great addition to your detox diet.  

1) Detox haldi tea

Let’s hit the list of detox teas with this one. This hot brew carries a perfect blend of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients beneficial for the body. Indians have always placed their trust in haldi and its health benefits. This bright yellow spice is a powerful liver cleansing ingredient that improves its function and boosts immunity. Detox haldi tea could be the simplest method to detox.

2) Honey lemon ginger

Trust this tea to be the ultimate cure for sore throat and cold. However, there’s more about this tea that you need to know. This powerful beverage is spiced up with ginger and the honey adds a bit of the sweetness. Honey lemon ginger tea is also one of the best ways to start your day. Next time, whenever you want to detox, this should be your go-to recipe.

3) Amla ginger tea

This is a great recipe if you want to cleanse your system from the inside. Amla ginger tea only takes a few minutes to get ready. Apart from detoxing, this healthy concoction is beneficial for weight loss and helps in boosting immunity. It also works wonders for your skin. All you need is amla powder, ginger powder, rock salt and some honey to make this.

4) Lemon tea

We all know that lemon has detoxifying properties and is widely used in a range of drinks. It’s loaded with vitamin C and proves to be refreshing. This simple lemon tea can easily be a part of your detox diet. You just have to follow the regular process to make this and substitute sugar with honey. No need to put milk either. Just lemon, water, black tea and some ginger along with a pinch of salt would do the work.

5) Ginger ajwain lemon tea

The best part about tea is that it’s versatile and you can prepare it in different ways even if you are aiming for a single purpose, here – detoxification. Ginger ajwain lemon tea not only takes good but also helps you eliminate the toxins from your body. Experts also believe that this tea can accelerate the process of losing weight.

Eat right, and stay healthy. Drink up. These tea recipes are only going to help you in staying healthy. Remember, moderation is the key.


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