Home GLOBAL NEWS Japanese officials to discuss funeral arrangements for assassinated former leader Shinzo Abe

Japanese officials to discuss funeral arrangements for assassinated former leader Shinzo Abe

Japanese officials to discuss funeral arrangements for assassinated former leader Shinzo Abe


On Saturday, the morning after the fatal shooting in a street in central Japan’s Nara, a car believed to be carrying the former world leader’s body left the Nara Medical University Hospital, where Abe had received treatment, according to Japan’s public broadcaster NHK.

In the wake of the killing, tearful mourners gathered to place flowers and kneel at a makeshift memorial outside the Yamato-Saidaiji Station in Nara, close to where Abe was assassinated.

That a former prime minster could be shot dead at close range while giving a speech in broad daylight in a country with one of the world’s lowest rates of gun crime has reverberated around Japan and the world. Presidents, prime ministers and other international leaders sent tributes expressing outrage and sadness over the killing.

Abe, 67, was pronounced dead at at 5:03 p.m. local time on Friday, just over five hours after being shot while delivering a campaign speech in front of a small crowd on a street.

At the time of the shooting, Abe was speaking in support of ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidates ahead of Upper House elections on Sunday, which are still scheduled to go ahead. Despite resigning as Japan’s prime minister in 2020 due to health reasons, Abe remained an influential figure in the country’s political landscape and continued to campaign for the LDP.

Abe arrived at hospital in a state of cardiac arrest and despite a team of medical staff fighting to resuscitate him, the former prime minister died from excessive bleeding caused by gunshot wounds to his neck and heart, doctors said.

Outside Abe’s residence in Tokyo on Saturday, dozens of reporters thronged the street, outnumbering the handful of police on guard as they waited for Abe’s body to return home.

“I didn’t expect something like this would happen to someone who was the leader of Japan for such a long time — it’s usually so safe here and we don’t have gun crime,” said Takashi Uchida, 57, who was passing by.

Suspect admits to shooting

Police have launched a murder investigation into the assassination but little is known about the suspect who was arrested at the scene of the fatal shooting on Friday.

Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, admitted to shooting Abe, Nara Nishi police said during a news conference on Friday. Yamagami, who is unemployed, told investigators he holds hatred toward a certain group that he thought Abe was linked to. Police have not named the group.

The suspect used a homemade gun in the shooting, police said, and images from the scene showed what appeared to be a weapon with two cylindrical metal barrels wrapped in black tape. Authorities later confiscated several handmade pistol-like items from the suspect’s apartment.
What appears to be a homemade weapon on the ground near where a security officer seized the suspect in front of Yamatosaidaiji Station on July 8, in Nara, Japan.

Japan’s National Police Agency said it will review security arrangements put in place before Friday’s shooting, according to NHK. Security was being handled by Nara prefectural police, which drew up a security plan for the former prime minister while he was in the city.

The agency said several dozen officers and security personnel from the Tokyo Metropolitan police were on duty and had reportedly watched Abe from all sides during his speech, NHK said.

Japan’s ‘JFK moment’

Abe was Japan’s longest-serving prime minister who defined the country’s politics for a generation.

He will be remembered for boosting defense spending, pushing through the most dramatic shift in Japanese military policy in 70 years, and his grand experiment designed to jolt Japan’s economy out of decades of stagnation, known as “Abenomics.”

Shinzo Abe, Japan's longest-serving prime minister, defined politics for a generation
Tomohiko Taniguchi, a former special adviser to Abe, said the former prime minister was “one of the most transformative leaders” of Japan and described his killing as the equivalent to the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy.

“I think it’s going to be an equivalent of JFK’s assassination day … It’s been a day of sadness, grief, disbelief, and for me, tremendous anger. People are finding it very much hard to digest the reality,” Taniguchi said on Friday.

US President Joe Biden called Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Friday “to express his outrage, sadness and deep condolences” over Abe’s “tragic and violent shooting death,” the White House said.

CNN’s Junko Ogura, Pierre Meilhan, Rhea Mogul and Jake Kwon contributed reporting.


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