Home HEALTH & FITNESS Looking At Restaurant Menus Online? Viral Tweet Proves Youre Not Alone

Looking At Restaurant Menus Online? Viral Tweet Proves Youre Not Alone

Looking At Restaurant Menus Online? Viral Tweet Proves Youre Not Alone


Going out to eat at a restaurant is nothing short of an event for a foodie. Picking the place to eat, what time to visit and what cuisine to eat – all these are crucial decisions to make the visit a success. Several also admit to looking up the menus of restaurants online prior to their visit. If you are one of those people, you can find comfort in the fact that there are so many others like you! A tweet by user @Luh_Scoop captured this interesting habit of people looking up restaurant menus online, and surprisingly, the post went viral on the micro-blogging platform. Take a look at what she wrote:

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“Shoutout to everyone who googles the menu before going to the restaurant,” wrote the user. The post went viral, receiving over 178k likes and 31k retweets since it was shared. Several Twitter users could relate to the practice of seeing a restaurant’s menu prior to visiting it, and some even admitted to going to the extent of picking the dishes they wanted. The Twitter thread that followed this viral tweet was about the multiple factors which made this practice a much-needed one. Many food service workers also agreed why customers and patrons should try looking up menus online in order to save valuable time spent deciding at the restaurant.

Take a look at some reactions:

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Many users also agreed that the practice of looking up restaurants online also gave them an insight into reviews and what other customers ordered. So, no need to feel guilty next time you find yourself sneaking a peek at the menu beforehand! What are your thoughts about the viral tweet about restaurant menus? Tell us in the comments below.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.


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