Home HEALTH & FITNESS Maggi Pani Puri Being Called A “Monstrosity” By The Internet

Maggi Pani Puri Being Called A “Monstrosity” By The Internet

Maggi Pani Puri Being Called A “Monstrosity” By The Internet


For those who love an easy-peasy bowl of noodles, Maggi has always been a go-to food. Maggi instant noodles have grown into comfort food for many people over the last few decades. Every Maggi fan has a unique way of preparing it. From simply boiling and seasoning it to whipping it up into a spicy meal with vegetables, we have different versions of Maggi. But have you ever tried the Maggi pani puri? Shocked to hear about it? Well, a video of this out-of-the-box Maggi recipe is doing the rounds on the Internet.

A Twitter user has shared the video and wrote, “Dealing mid-week crisis with Maggi Pani Puri…Hope it helps you all too.” 

Instead of the usual chickpea and spicy potato filling, the recipe uses Maggi for the filling. The video shows a person scooping up some noodles from a bowl of Maggi. Next, The puri is stuffed with Maggi until full. In the next step, we see the person pouring green chutney over the Maggi pani puri.

The 11-second video has received over 76,000 views.

The recipe is a “monstrosity”, according to a few on the social media platform.

A person commented, “My day just got worse.”

People are displeased after watching the Maggi Pani Puri video. A user wrote, “You are adding more crisis by posting this bhai.”

But a few tried to add humour to the viral video. 

Iss mein choc sauce dalo… Aur maza ayega

To add to the fun factor, a person said that Fanta will add to the flavour of this recipe.

But Maggi pani pura hasn’t been able to win many people’s hearts.


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