Home HEALTH & FITNESS Neha Dhupias Latest Culinary Adventure Featured This Popular Japanese Dish

Neha Dhupias Latest Culinary Adventure Featured This Popular Japanese Dish

Neha Dhupias Latest Culinary Adventure Featured This Popular Japanese Dish


Is your mouth already watering? We have just the cure. Follow the recipes below, and we bet you’ll have an amazing weekend, just like Neha Dhupia did. We’ve recreated her binge-eating session, so read on.

1. Sushi
Sushi may seem tricky to make, but this step-by-step guide will definitely make it easy for you to prepare this Japanese delicacy. So don’t hesitate, show off your culinary skills using this guide. Recipe inside.

2. Dim Sums
Dim sums can be the perfect snack for a lazy Sunday evening. Hot dim sums dipped in red sauce will take your taste buds on an amazing journey. Non-vegetarians can choose from chicken and prawn dumplings, while vegetarians can enjoy the coriander ones. Recipe here.

3. Chocolate Cake
Of course, we wouldn’t forget the dessert! You don’t really need a special occasion to indulge in chocolate cake. Just follow this recipe to make a rich, moist, and scrumptious cake. Click here.

What do you think of Neha Dhupia’s culinary adventures? Do let us know in the comments section below!


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