Home GLOBAL NEWS Now, girls with hijab barred from entering Aligarh college | India News – Times of India

Now, girls with hijab barred from entering Aligarh college | India News – Times of India

Now, girls with hijab barred from entering Aligarh college | India News – Times of India


AGRA: A college in Aligarh, UP, issued a notice on Saturday “banning” entry of students in the campus without “prescribed uniforms” and refused entry to Muslim girls who had their hijab on, reports Anuja Jaiswal. The Shree Varshney College directed them not to cover their faces while attending class. Several students returned home after they were denied entry.
A first-year-BA student said the staff refused to let her in. “Now, I am returning home,” she told TOI.
Another student, studying in BSc final year, said the college authorities had first asked her to remove her burqa while entering the campus and later, they wanted her to remove the hijab, too.
Administrative officer of the college, Beena Upadhyaya, said this notice is a “reminder” to students that there is a “dress code” in the college and it has to be adhered to.


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