Home HEALTH & FITNESS Prepare Cupcake At Home Without An Oven With This Easy Recipe

Prepare Cupcake At Home Without An Oven With This Easy Recipe

Prepare Cupcake At Home Without An Oven With This Easy Recipe


Who doesn’t love to indulge in a creamy and decadent cupcake?! Biting into this sweet delight offers a pleasant surprise of decadence and flavour. Whenever we eat a cupcake, we always end up wondering if we could recreate this dessert at home! But when we look up the recipe, we get stumped at the very first step of pre-heating the oven. Many Indian kitchens don’t have an oven at home; therefore it becomes difficult for us to bake. But what if we told you there is a way that you can actually prepare cupcakes at home without using an oven?! Yes, you read it right! We have found a way to prepare cupcakes in the pressure cooker, a utensil that almost every Indian kitchen has!

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Pressure Cooker Cupcake Recipe: How To Make A Cupcake Without Oven

In a bowl, whisk milk, sugar, vanilla extract, oil and vinegar. Next, sift maida, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt in another bowl. Add the sifted dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Fold the mixture till the batter is smooth and has no lumps. Grease bowls and pour the cake batter.

The next step is to prepare the pressure cooker; for that remove the whistle and the gasket. Add salt to the bottom of the cooker and close it. Heat it for 10 minutes on medium flame. Place a plate in the heated pressure cooker and add the bowls filled with cake batter. Close the pressure cooker and let the cupcakes cook for 30 minutes.


Butter Cream Frosting Recipe: How To Make Frosting At Home

Whip together room temperature butter, powdered sugar and vanilla essence using a hand mixer or a blender. Once the butter is fluffy and it increases in volume, the frosting is ready. Make sure to store it in the fridge

Click here for the step-by-step recipe of Cupcake Without Oven.

Sounds easy, right?! Now you can prepare cupcakes at home without an oven. Do tell us in the comments section how you liked this recipe.


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