Home HEALTH & FITNESS Quick Breakfast Recipes: 7 Instant Breakfast Options From Across India

Quick Breakfast Recipes: 7 Instant Breakfast Options From Across India

Quick Breakfast Recipes: 7 Instant Breakfast Options From Across India


It is rightly said – ‘eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and supper like a pauper’. This essentially means that breakfast is the most important of all meals, something that prepares us for the long day ahead. It goes without saying that it should be healthy and nutritious to keep us energised throughout the day and stay focused. But not everyone is a morning person and may not feel up to the task of cooking something just after waking up. On such days, don’t you wish there was a way to whip up something nice without slogging in the kitchen?

Breakfast isn’t about fulfilling yourself with just anything; it is about eating mindfully and loading up the body with as many vital nutrients as possible. So, how do you achieve that? Thankfully, there are various options available in the Indian cuisine. One of the benefits of the spectacular co-existence of various cultures is that people in one region can borrow recipes from the other and relish new flavours every once in a while.

Consider a person from Maharashtra enjoying a dish from Tamil Nadu and another person from South India gushing about a recipe from Punjab. Isn’t that exciting?

Here are a few options that we can all try when we either feel too tired or bored to try the usual breakfast options. And the best part is, each of these dishes are quick and easy to make. Take a look.

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Here’re 7 Instant Breakfast Recipes For You:

Instant Rava Dosa

This dosa is easy to cook and keeps you full for long. Originating from Tamil Nadu, it is a kind of pancake made with unfermented batter. Its main ingredient is unroasted fine sooji (semolina flour). You may also replace sooji with wheat or rice flour. 

Uttapam Pizza

Another South Indian specialty, uttapam is loaded with sooji and vegetables. Sooji or semolina is known to provide instant energy, which is much needed to keep going throughout the day. Besides, inclusion of vegetables like carrot, tomatoes and onion provide adequate amount of fibre needed for smooth digestion.


This one is a Gujarati specialty, loved by one and all. It has besan (gram flour) and sooji that makes the dish a healthy addition to your diet. Gram flour is rich in vitamins, minerals and soluble fiber, which keeps the heart healthy. The fiber content of besan also keeps the cholesterol level in check.

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Sooji Handvo

This, too, is a mouth-watering dish from Gujarat. Traditionally, it is made of finely ground batter of urad, chana and yellow moong dal. But it can also be made with a sooji-and-besan batter. It appears like a savoury cake over which finely chopped vegetables are sprinkled.


A popular dish from Maharashtra that is widely consumed for breakfast. The main ingredient is flattened rice and also includes onions, potatoes, spices, herbs and peanuts. It can be customised by adding or removing some of the ingredients, depending on your palate.

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Moong Dal Cheela

A typical North Indian dish, it can be stuffed with either vegetables like peas or paneer. Besides, moong dal, included in this recipe, is loaded with vitamins A, B, C and E and makes the dish healthy than ever. This meal also loads you with essential nutrients like iron, calcium, and potassium and more.

Instant coffee

Have a cup of coffee with any of the above dishes or just by itself to kick-start the day. It also loads you up with energy to stay active throughout the day.

Try these quick and super easy wholesome dishes for breakfast and give a healthy start to your day.

Enjoy your meal!


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