Home HEALTH & FITNESS Reddit User Discovers Only 5 Chips In INR 10 Chips Packet; Internet Reacts

Reddit User Discovers Only 5 Chips In INR 10 Chips Packet; Internet Reacts

Reddit User Discovers Only 5 Chips In INR 10 Chips Packet; Internet Reacts


Whenever we are hungry, we can’t help but pop up open a bag of chips or namkeen and start snacking. The convenience of snacking on chips and namkeen and the delicious taste (obviously) is what makes packaged chips the go-to choice. However, food packaging has become more deceptive than ever, and this is something we all have witnessed. We buy a big packet of chips or namkeen, only to find it half full. The puffed and stuffed appearance of the snack packet is credited to the air filled in the bags to preserve the snack inside. However, nowadays, it seems like the packets have more air and less snack.

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Recently, a man decided to grab a quick snack on his way to college. He decided to buy the ten rupees chips packet. When he opened the chips packet, to his surprise, he only found five chips! Yes, you read it right! The packet of chips only had five chips. He even shared an image of his situation on Reddit. He captioned the post as:

“Today, I bought 10 Lays on my way to college and it literally had 5 chips, duh!”

If you think about it, the man ended up paying two rupees for one piece of chips. Does that seem fair to you? Well, the internet had a lot to say about it! One Reddit user commented how shopkeepers should give customers a piece of chips when they don’t have two rupees change. Many even made fun of the deceptive packaging of chips by calling it expensive air. Here, we have shortlisted some witty responses from Reddit users:

How would you have reacted if the same happened to you? What would be your response? Do share your thoughts in the comments section below!


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