A few days ago, the news of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai stars Sachin Tyagi, Shweta Chitnis, and Samir Onkar testing positive for Coronavirus had gone viral. The actors had been under home quarantine with medical experts’ advice. The plot and the script had to be changed accordingly which did not include scenes of these actors since all three of them play a pivotal role in the Shivangi Joshi and Mohsin Khan starrer show. As soon as the news broke out, the shoot for the show had been stopped for a few days and the set was sanitized almost immediately.

Sachin Tyagi of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai tests negative for Coronavirus

As per the latest reports, Sachin Tyagi has tested negative for Coronavirus and is currently recovering at home. Since the recent plot was written excluding Sachin Tyagi, a few changes are required to be made for the transition look as smooth as possible. Considering these issues, Sachin Tyagi will have to wait for a few more days until he can resume the shoot.

An update on Shweta Chitnis and Samir Onkar’s health is still awaited.

Also Read: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: Mohsin Khan and Shivangi Joshi resume shoot after co-stars test positive for COVID-19


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