Home HEALTH & FITNESS Shocking! UK Woman Finds Fried Chicken Head In KFC Meal, See Their Response

Shocking! UK Woman Finds Fried Chicken Head In KFC Meal, See Their Response

Shocking! UK Woman Finds Fried Chicken Head In KFC Meal, See Their Response


Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is a fast-food chain which is immensely popular across the globe. The delicious fried chicken wings is one of its signature and trademark recipes, with a unique mix of herbs and spices. However, one KFC customer in the UK was left aghast to find a fried chicken head in her hot wing meal. The woman, Gabrielle, posted a review on 3rd December, 2021 and even shared a disgusting picture of the unwanted element in her meal. The pictures were widely circulated on social media, including Twitter as well. Take a look:

(Also Read: Viral Picture Of KFC French Fries Ordered By A Woman Made Internet Cringe)

The handle @takeawaytrauma shared the UK woman’s ordeal on Twitter and Instagram as well. “I found a fried chicken head in my hot wing meal, put me off the rest, ugh,” she wrote in her review. In the picture that she shared, the entire chicken head was visible including the eyes and beak, all coated with the signature KFC batter and deep-fried.

Instagram users too reacted to the picture, expressing their disgust and horror on seeing the image of the fried chicken head. “I really wish I could go back in time by 2 minutes when I hadn’t seen this,” wrote one user while another said, “How did they not notice that while preparing the food?” Several others pointed out, “If you eat meat there’s nothing to complain about, you’re just faced with the reality of what you’re eating for once.”

Meanwhile, KFC UK also took cognizance of the fried chicken head picture being circulated on social media. They said that the UK woman’s review was probably most generous 2-star review ever. According to their statement, the images were ‘shocking’ and ‘baffling’ for the brand. Here’s their full post:

(Also Read: Free Fried Chicken And More: Here’s All About The New KFC-Themed Apartment)

KFC said that they had put together a team to investigate the matter. “Even the best laid plans – on rare occasions – go awry. And this is an incredibly rare one,” they wrote. KFC further assured that they had proper checks and measures in place after the incident, in order to prevent any such incident from happening in the future. Meanwhile, the UK lady Gabrielle was invited for a free KFC meal and also got to see the kitchen processes to allay her fears. “We hope Gabrielle will be back leaving us 5-star reviews soon,” they concluded.

What did you think of this bizarre incident? Tell us in the comments below.


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