Home HEALTH & FITNESS The Classic Chicken Roll Gets Creamier And Yummier With This Chicken Mayo Roll Recipe

The Classic Chicken Roll Gets Creamier And Yummier With This Chicken Mayo Roll Recipe

The Classic Chicken Roll Gets Creamier And Yummier With This Chicken Mayo Roll Recipe


What is the easiest way to have a wholesome meal?  There are not too many options, so a roll is one of the first things that will pop up in the mind. A load of meat or veggies, or both, swathed and rolled up in a hearty roti, makes it super easy for us to eat the roll on the go, or without making any fuss. The classic chicken roll is something we all love and can have any time, for any meal of the day. Just adding up to its flavour profile is this chicken mayo roll that makes the roll creamier and of course, yummier! 

Chicken mayo roll has everything you want to fill up your tummy and sate your taste buds – nutrients, flavours, texture, plus, plus. This recipe will never fail you.  

(Also Read: From Chicken Kathi Roll To Keema Roll: 7 Delectable Chicken Roll Recipes)

How To Make Chicken Mayo Roll I Chicken Mayo Roll Recipe: 

To make this delicious chicken roll, you must marinate the chicken in a pool of curd infused with spices. This process makes the chicken succulent and flavoursome. Always remember that this recipe requires boneless chicken. Once your chicken is marinated, the rest of the process is very easy. Make dough with a combination of whole wheat flour and all-purpose flour. Then make rotis with it. Now assemble everything to make the roll. Spread lots of mayo on the roti, and throw in marinated chicken, lettuce, onion slices, and whatever you want to add in. Roll up the roti and gobble up. 

Click here for the step-by-step recipe of chicken mayo roll, along with the detailed ingredients list.  

Make this roll when you are feeling too lazy to cook extensively or are just craving for the deliciousness of this amazing meal.  

About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.


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