Viral Video: Are You A Busy Mom? These Food Hacks Will Save Your Time In Kitchen


As a new mom, juggling multiple roles can be a bit difficult at times. Your life can get a little bit easier by applying some easy hacks in your kitchen. Vlogger Keisha Franklin shares some of these tips and tricks on Instagram. She posted a video, in which she suggested a bunch of ways to save time. First, Keisha put a bunch of grapes in a zip-lock bag and separated the fruit from the stem with a simple shake. She boils a banana in water to peel it. The hack is used to soften the banana so it can be mashed easily for a toddler’s meal. She also shared an easy way to peel a boiled egg. She put it in a container with water and kept shaking it till the shell was removed. 

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To make small servings for her kids, Keisha uses a fluid syringe to remove the egg white and yolk. The mom is also seen using a straw to hull a strawberry. We know how kids make a mess while eating ice cream. The vlogger adds a cupcake case below a popsicle to stop it from dripping into the kids’ clothes.  In the caption of the post, she wrote, “Mom hacks! All of my favourites!.” 

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Instagram users were grateful to Keisha for sharing the hacks, with one commenting “I’m not even a mum and this is revolutionary.” 

Not just us, but most of the people who saw the video were impressed. “The grape hack is so good honestly.” 

“No way hard boil eggs peel that easy lemme try that immediately lol,” read a comment.

Some seemed confused about the purpose of making boiled bananas or mini eggs. Addressing the queries a user explained, “The point of mini eggs is to reduce waste for when kids don’t eat a whole egg. Boiled banana is to make it softer so it easier to smash probably to make baby food.”

Shock and awe were common features in the comment. “Ngl though the egg and grape tricks seem magical, kid/mother status aside! I didn’t know you could do that!” said a person.

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