Home HEALTH & FITNESS Wait, What? Woman Mistakes Expensive Restaurant Prices For Calorie Count

Wait, What? Woman Mistakes Expensive Restaurant Prices For Calorie Count

Wait, What? Woman Mistakes Expensive Restaurant Prices For Calorie Count


We all love visiting our favourite restaurants for a lavish dining experience. Whether with family or friends, eating out is an experience that foodies truly enjoy. The whole process of picking our choicest dishes and enjoying a gourmet meal cooked by the best chefs is delightful, to say the least. Have you ever faced any faux pas or awkward encounters at fine dining restaurants? What could possibly go wrong in this process of eating out that is apparently so familiar to us? According to a recent viral video, there could be plenty of embarrassing moments even with the best of us. When a woman was invited to an expensive restaurant by her friend, she mistook the prices to be the calories in the dish! Take a look at the video here:


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The video has received millions of views and has been widely circulated on social media. The incident happened when social media user Janae_69 was invited to dinner by her friend for her birthday. “When your rich friend invites you to her birthday dinner,” was what she captioned the video as. Each dish had a price written next to it; however, the symbol representing the currency was missing from the menu. 37, 38, 44 etc were some of the prices of the dishes. Thus, Janae thought that the numbers were not the prices but the number of calories in the dish.

Social media users could relate to Janae’s predicament of dining at an expensive restaurant. “Waiter: May I take your order? Me: Oh, I’ll just have a small salad, a glass of water & 3 lemon slices… I’m on a diet,” commented one user. “I’m only ordering Accessories,” wrote another one.

What did you think of the viral video? Could you relate to the dilemma of dining at an expensive restaurant? Tell us if you have faced any such predicaments too.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.


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