Want to help the climate crisis? Don’t toss your old iPhone, fix it

“The greenest smartphone is the one you already own,” said Cole Stratton, an associate instructor at Indiana University Bloomington, who has studied tech supply chains. “Smartphones seem so small and inconsequential, so unless you’ve studied the supply chains and realized everything that goes into creating [them], you really just have no sense of how environmentally devastating these things are.”
Right-to-repair advocates hope the recent regulatory attention will be the momentum needed to finally push manufacturers to make repairs accessible more broadly.
“If we can’t repair our stuff, the consequences are we throw a lot more away,” Gay Gordon-Byrne, executive director of the Repair Association, a coalition fighting for the right to repair, told CNN. “We can’t cope with the volume anymore … We’re swimming in products that we can no longer recycle.”
The production problem
The supply chain for consumer electronics is global and complex, making it hard to quantify the full scope of its environmental impact, experts say.
On an individual scale, that’s not much; it’s about the same as a 130-mile car trip from Los Angeles to San Diego. But multiply that by the hundreds of millions of iPhones sold each year and it adds up quickly. Then, apply a similar calculation to the countless other personal devices we use each day — laptops, desktops, tablets, smart watches, smart speakers, smart headphones and so on — and you begin to get a sense of the carbon footprint of manufacturing new consumer electronics.
“Everything that happens before the device reaches you is very materially and energetically intensive — that’s where the most greenhouse gasses are emitted and where the most violent ecological transformation takes place,” Stratton said.
Still, making a consumer electronic device requires the use of non-renewable, rare-Earth metals that are resource-intensive to mine and refine, and those can’t easily be replaced with other components, according to Stratton.
Europium and terbium, for example, are needed to make HD screens; zinc and tin help make touch-responsive surfaces; and lithium is used in batteries — just to name a few. Even with advancements in sustainable materials, not making a new device is still the most environmentally friendly option, Stratton said.
The case for right-to-repair
Apple did not respond to a request for comment for this story. During a Congressional judiciary committee hearing in 2019, Apple said it controlled the repair process over safety and reliability concerns. Device makers also say repair restrictions help protect trade secrets and consusdmer privacy. But the restrictions can also lead to profit if consumers are forced to take their broken devices to licensed shops, said Gartner analyst Aapo Markkanen. And it boosts sales if consumers must replace their devices every few years.
“We always had a right to repair our stuff because we paid for it, but we’ve just lost it as a society,” Gordon-Byrne said.
Advocates say these restrictions strip the public of their right to do what they want with products they own, and disadvantage small repair businesses that could be helping to preserve more old devices if they could access the proper resources.
“We have brilliant technicians, and our team has figured out how to repair stuff without needing the repair manual from the manufacturer,” Tech Dump CEO Amanda LaGrange told CNN. “We could scale much faster, we could repair much more, if we were able to affordably access repair parts and affordably access repair manuals.”
The link between e-waste and right-to-repair
The end of a product’s life cycle is troubling for the environment, too. Manufacturers arguing against right-to-repair often say that recycling compensates for the need to regularly replace devices. But experts say it’s not that simple.
The team dropped them off at recyclers and donation centers across the United States that he said branded themselves as “eco-friendly” and “sustainable” and have “strict control of exportation” to developing countries.
But Puckett’s team found that roughly a third of the electronics they tracked ended up overseas, in places like Pakistan, Thailand, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Kenya, with 87% of those devices landing in Asia, particularly rural Hong Kong.
When Puckett and his team arrived at one of their first destinations in Hong Kong — which they found using the GPS coordinates on the device trackers — he said they found workers dismantling e-waste negligently. Workers broke down parts like fluorescent lights used for flat-screen TVs or monitors; once damaged, these devices release unseen mercury vapor that is toxic to public health and the environment.
“Chasing the end of life of electronics is really disheartening,” Puckett told CNN. “At the end of the whole cycle, real horror shows can take place.”
Even recyclers that process waste responsibly say the procedure can be difficult, because consumer electronics can contain metals and toxic chemicals, and plastics that are expensive to process, according to LaGrange.
Repair advocates say that both consumers and companies should take a broader view of how we handle devices from start to finish. Manufacturers in particular should consider the harm devices and their components can cause to the environment when disposed, Puckett said.
“You’ve got to get the toxicity out and design things to last a really long time from the get-go,” Puckett said.
“The Internet of Things is terrifying to every person in my job, because we’re just seeing piles and piles of electronic waste coming,” said LaGrange, who has been advocating for right-to-repair for nearly seven years.
“The fact that we are still having this conversation is surprising,” she said. “What was encouraging about President Biden’s work … is that we’ve known that repairs are important for years, they’re helpful for the people, for our planet, for local jobs, for all things digital equity. So there was something really encouraging about that being seen. But at the same time, there are still a lot of restrictions.”