Home HEALTH & FITNESS Watch: Make Halwai-Style Boondi Ladoo At Home With This Easy Recipe

Watch: Make Halwai-Style Boondi Ladoo At Home With This Easy Recipe

Watch: Make Halwai-Style Boondi Ladoo At Home With This Easy Recipe


Watch: Make Halwai-Style Boondi Ladoo At Home With This Easy Recipe

Boondi ladoo is one of the most beloved ladoos of India

The countless ladoo preparations of Indian is testimony to the fact that we are obsessed with the ancient sweetmeat. You give us anything and we can make a ladoo out of it. Spices, herbs, flour, milk, dry fruits, what all have we not used to make delish ladoos at home. Boondi ke ladoo is inarguably one of India’s most popular varieties of ladoos of all times. Every Halwai shop has it on display; this is perhaps why we seldom try to make it at home. But what if we tell you that you can make your all-time favourite ladoo in a matter of minutes with only about six ingredients? Yes, you heard us, it is that easy.

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Here’s what you need to do.

1. Take some besan in a large mixing bowl.
2. Add ghee, give everything a good mix.
3. Add water gradually, until you get a smooth, thin batter. Keep it aside.
4. Now for sugar syrup, take sugar in a pan.
5. Pour enough water and bring it to a boil.
6. Add saffron, cardamom and give everything a good mix. Let the syrup heat until you get the perfect sticky, syrupy consistency. Keep it aside.
7. Heat ghee in another pan.
8. Add chopped cashew nuts and pistachios, roast them nicely until they are aromatic.
9. Now start preparing the boondis. Heat oil and hold a perforated ladle or skimmer or jhara parallel to the kadhai and pour the besan batter from the top in order to make the boondis or pearls. Use the same perforated ladle to fry all the boondis and take them out to another tray. Do not fry them for too long as they may burn. Do not under cook them either as you want the boondis to be crunchy.
10. Add the roasted dry fruits and give them a good mix.
11. Add all the boondis to sugar syrup. Mix everything using a spoon. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
12. Now prepare round balls using wet hands and serve.  

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Watch the full recipe video of  Boondi Ladoo here: 

Try this incredible recipe at home and we guarantee you would not make the trip down to your local halwai shop again.

About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.


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