Home HEALTH & FITNESS Watch: Make This 2-Ingredient Chocolate For A Mid-Week Indulgence

Watch: Make This 2-Ingredient Chocolate For A Mid-Week Indulgence

Watch: Make This 2-Ingredient Chocolate For A Mid-Week Indulgence


After a long and tiring day of work, we can’t help but crave something sweet to uplift our mood. Dessert is the perfect pick-me-up after an exhausting day, isn’t it?! We love to indulge in a sweet treat to make our worries go away, as the pleasure of eating a chocolatey dessert is truly blissful. While our go-to method of satisfying our sweet desires is to simply order something, it can get a bit expensive to do that every other day. The best way is to make it ourselves at home! This way, you can have a dessert whenever and wherever you want, without any worries.

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Keeping this in mind, we have brought to you a super easy recipe of chocolate that you can make at home.

Chocolate Recipe: How To Make Chocolate At Home Easily

All you need is condensed milk and cocoa powder to make this easy homemade chocolate recipe. If you don’t have condensed milk at home, then you can make it from scratch as well.

Click here for the full recipe of condensed milk.

Start by heating the condensed milk, this is an important step as it helps expand the condensed milk. Sieve the cocoa powder. Next, gradually mix the cocoa powder into the condensed milk, in small batches. This shall take some time, so keep mixing patiently. The consistency of the mixture should be thick. Once it is completely combined, transfer the chocolate mixture to a square shape container, to give it a shape. Freeze this for about 4-5 hours, or until it has taken the shape of chocolate.

Watch the step-by-step recipe video of Homemade chocolate in the Header Section.

Sounds easy, right?! Make this chocolate for a quick dessert for your family and surprise them with your culinary skills. Do tell us in the comments section how you liked it.


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