WhatsApp update: How to make your text bold or italic on WhatsApp
WhatsApp allows you to format text inside your messages. Although the Facebook owned platform does not support custom fonts, it offers various options that can help users to format the text inside a message to make it more meaningful and easy to understand. The options offered by WhatsApp includes – Bold, Italic, Strikethrough and Monospace. It is worth noting that the feature is enabled by default and the platform does not offer an option to disable the feature. The format option is available to all users. If you want to know how to make your text bold or italic on WhatsApp, you can follow these steps:
Open WhatsApp app on your smartphone.
Tap on individual chat or group chat where you wish to send the bold or italic text.
Tap on the chat box at the bottom of the screen and type the message that you want to send.
Press and hold the word that you want it bold or italic. If you want to select a whole line or a paragraph, you can use the handles to adjust the selection.
From the pop-up, tap on BIU.
For Android users who are not able to see the BIU option in the pop-up after selecting the text, you can make your text bold or italic with a different method. To italicize your message, place an underscore on both sides of the text. For example _text_. In order to bold your message, place an asterisk on both sides of the text such as *text*.