Home ONLINE SHOPPING When will Twitter bring edit button feature? Here’s what the company said | Technology News

When will Twitter bring edit button feature? Here’s what the company said | Technology News

When will Twitter bring edit button feature? Here’s what the company said | Technology News


New Delhi: Microblogging site Twitter has time and again been asked about adding the Edit button feature by numerous users.

This time, the microblogging site seems to have an answer. Twitter said that it will roll out the much-anticipated Edit button if everyone wears a face mask.

“You can have an edit button when everyone wears a mask,” Twitter said on Thursday. The tweet has since garnered 545.7K retweets and 1.8 million Likes.

Twitter users have long been asking for an Edit button to avoid things they post on Twitter erroneously.

Twitter had recently announced is bringing a new feature for its user, allowing them to record and post a 140-second long audio tweet.

Twitter has said that the feature is now available for a limited group of people on Twitter for iOS, however in the coming weeks everyone on iOS will be able to Tweet with their voice, will be able to see/hear them and reply. 

“Have more to say? Keep talking. Once you reach the time limit for a (textual) Tweet, a new voice Tweet starts automatically to create a thread. Once you’re done, tap the Done button to end your recording and go back to the composer screen to Tweet,” Twitter had said.

Audio can only be added to original tweets and the users can’t include those in replies or retweets with a comment.


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