Home HEALTH & FITNESS World Asthma Day 2020: 5 changes you should make in your diet for Asthma free living

World Asthma Day 2020: 5 changes you should make in your diet for Asthma free living

World Asthma Day 2020: 5 changes you should make in your diet for Asthma free living


World Asthma Day 2020: 5 changes you should make in your diet for Asthma free living
Image Source : INSTAGRAM

World Asthma Day 2020: 5 changes you should make in your diet for Asthma free living

World Asthma Day is an annual event celebrated and organized around the globe to raise awareness about asthma. India has many asthma cases and an estimated 10-15% of them are 5-11 years old children. Researches claim that around 2 crore people in India suffer from breathing diseases because of the increasing air pollution. Every year, the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) in association with asthma educators and various health care groups raises awareness for the disease and educates people about various treatment and lifestyle tips to treat it.

Especially in a country which has been at the top for air pollution, it becomes very important for people to take measures in the right direction to survive for the better part of their life. Most important is a balanced diet which not only helps live longer but ensures healthy living. Normal exercise and stress-free environment also make the most of healthy living.

On World Asthma Day today, here we provide you with useful and smart diet recommendations to ensure that you live longer and keep that Asthma at bay.

No Chilled Water

With the temperature soaring high, the thirst to drink cold water is understandable but not good for an asthmatic person. Doctors also advise against drinking chilled water and eating cold food as it tightens the airways and will leave you coughing and sneezing.

Treat it with Turmeric

It is proven that Turmeric is one ingredient with many health benefits. From highlighting the taste of the food to medicinal qualities, it is used in numerous ways to treat diseases including asthma. The most effective way of taking this yellow root spice is by adding it in water with a pinch of black salt and drink it. It will definitely help you fight bronchial asthma.

Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onions are already the most favorite components in an Indian kitchen. Onion is rich in thiosulphates with anti-inflammatory properties with direct effects on Asthma. So if you are one of those who doesn’t eat onions or garlic, we advise starting eating now.

Vitamin D

Be it milk, fortified milk, salmon, orange juice, eggs, no matter what the source is, it is very necessary for you to consume Vitamin D in your diet.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables should become a part of your life, asthmatic or not. It is said that fruits like berries and long leafy greens like spinach contain Vitamin C which is essential for an Asthmatic patient. They have the most protective effect.


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