Home BUSINESS News Federal Grand Jury Indicts Former Boeing Pilot in 737 MAX Crash Case

Federal Grand Jury Indicts Former Boeing Pilot in 737 MAX Crash Case

Federal Grand Jury Indicts Former Boeing Pilot in 737 MAX Crash Case


The crashes in late 2018 and early 2019 took 346 lives and involved the 737 MAX.


jason redmond/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

A federal grand jury in Texas indicted a former

Boeing Co.

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pilot for allegedly deceiving federal regulators during the plane maker’s development of the 737 MAX before two of the jets crashed, the U.S. Department of Justice said.

Mark A. Forkner, 49 years old, was charged with deceiving the Federal Aviation Administration regarding training materials related to a flight-control system that was later blamed for playing a large role the crashes, the Justice Department said. The crashes occurred in late 2018 and early 2019 and took 346 lives.

An attorney for Mr. Forkner couldn’t immediately be reached for comment Thursday.

David Gerger,

an attorney for Mr. Forkner, has previously said that Mr. Forkner, a pilot and Air Force veteran, wouldn’t endanger pilots or passengers and his communications with regulators were honest.

(more to come)

Write to Andrew Tangel at Andrew.Tangel@wsj.com

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