Home HOME 10 anti-coup protesters shot dead in Sudan capital, say medics

10 anti-coup protesters shot dead in Sudan capital, say medics

10 anti-coup protesters shot dead in Sudan capital, say medics


Thousands of demonstrators marched on the streets of Khartoum and its twin cities of Bahri and Omdurman, in protest against the military takeover last month. They were met by security forces who fired live bullets and tear gas after mobile phone communications were cut earlier in the day, witnesses told Reuters.

“Three civilians were killed by the live ammunition of security forces during today’s anti-coup processions in Khartoum…bringing the number of civilians killed by Junta forces during today’s processions to 5,” the Sudanese Central Doctors Committee said on Facebook. The group later reported that a further five people had been shot dead, two in Khartoum and three in Bahri, bringing the total to 10.

It added that 70 protesters were injured during the pro-democracy protests.

According to Reuters, protesters in Khartoum burned tires and chanted: “The people are stronger, and retreat is impossible.”

Others carried pictures of people killed in previous protests and of Abdalla Hamdok, the civilian prime minister who was placed under house arrest during the coup, with the slogan: “Legitimacy comes from the street, not from the cannons.”

Images of protests in other cities circulated on social media. Reuters reported that security forces were heavily deployed on main roads and intersections, using tear gas to prevent gatherings, according to witnesses they had spoken to. Bridges across the River Nile were also closed.

One demonstrator in Bahri told Reuters that the air was thick with tear gas and that security forces were using rubber and live bullets.

“The main meeting points were completely occupied by security forces,” said the demonstrator, who asked not to be identified.

Mobile internet services in Sudan have been suspended since the coup. This has complicated a campaign of anti-military rallies, strikes and civil disobedience.

The Sudanese Congress Party, which was part of the military and civilian coalition, said one of its leaders had been arrested following a raid on his house.

On Saturday, hundreds of thousands turned out across Sudan to protest against the coup. Medics said seven people were killed by security forces.


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