Activision Blizzard agreed to pay $35 million to settle regulatory claims tied to its process for deciding how its disclosures to investors should reflect employee complaints about workplace misconduct.
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Tags: abuse , Activision Blizzard , Applications Software , ATVI , C&E Executive News Filter , C&E Industry News Filter , civil liberties , community , computers , Computers/Consumer Electronics , Computing , Consumer electronics , Consumer Goods , Content Types , corporate , corporate crime , Corporate Crime/Legal Action , Corporate/Industrial News , Crime , Crime/Legal Action , Discrimination , Factiva Filters , Games Software , general news , government policy , Harassment , human rights , Human Rights/Civil Liberties , industrial news , labor , Labor/Personnel , legal action , leisure , Leisure/Travel Goods , personnel , political , Political/General News , regulation , Regulation/Government Policy , Sex Crimes , Social issues , society , Society/Community , Software , SYND , Technology , travel goods , Whistleblowers , Workplace discrimination , Workplace Discrimination/Abuse ,
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