Apple Readies iOS 16 Bug Fix for Next Week


The latest software for models going back to the iPhone 8 arrived last week, ahead of the release of Apple’s latest iPhone crop. iOS 16 includes the ability to customize your lock screen, unsend messages or set up medication reminders.

But some people using iOS 16 immediately reported problems. Some iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max owners say their smartphone cameras shake furiously, make odd noises and produce blurry videos when they try to capture content using third-party apps such as Instagram and TikTok. 

Other iPhone users who updated their devices with Apple’s latest software last week report seeing many unwanted “copy and paste” alerts when they open apps. And others say their iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max models freeze after transferring data from older iPhones.

Apple said it plans to patch the bugs soon.

“We’re aware of the issue, and a fix will be released next week,” an Apple spokesman said. He declined to share what version number it will give to this first update to iOS 16.

Users first noticed the camera problems Friday, just as Apple’s newest flagship devices began arriving on people’s doorsteps. Apple unveiled the iPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max in early September, with cameras as a major Pro selling point: The more premium models feature new 48-megapixel wide lenses and zoom improvements.

It’s common for major software refreshes to introduce temporary glitches, which Apple tends to address quickly through updates. If you haven’t updated your iPhone to iOS 16, it makes sense to wait until the fixed version is available next week. 

Camera shaking

Apple declined to say what’s causing the camera problem. Users say that it doesn’t seem to be an issue with the smartphone’s hardware, and that taking photos with Apple’s native Camera app works fine.

The just-released iOS 16 gives your iPhone’s lock screen a makeover, and brings new features such as editing and recalling sent messages. WSJ’s Joanna Stern helps you find all the cool new stuff. Photo illustration: Jacob Renyolds/The Wall Street Journal

However, when attempting to use the phone’s main rear camera to record content on social-media apps, several people have noticed glitches. Videos posted on TikTok, Reddit and


show cameras producing jittery videos.

Some users said they could see the camera vibrating, and heard a loud grinding noise when they opened photo-sharing apps such as TikTok,



Meta Platforms’s


Julian Jaworin, 22 years old, said he noticed the problem Friday, three hours after the post office delivered his Space Black iPhone 14 Pro to his home in Bavaria, Germany. He set up the phone and downloaded TikTok and Snapchat, then realized the rear-facing camera wasn’t working properly. 

“The video was really shaky, and the phone started making loud noises,” said Mr. Jaworin, who’s training to become a teacher. “It was like the sound of an electric fly swatter, but continuously. It was a weird mechanical rattling.”

Others have reported similar incidents

Other problems

Some iPhone users are also seeing more copy-and-paste pop-ups than they typically should. 

Apple included a new privacy measure with iOS 16 that requires apps to ask users for permission to access their clipboards—as they may contain sensitive information copied from another app. Each app should only ask this once with a prompt when the app is first opened, but a glitch causes some apps to generate the notice multiple times. 

Other users say their new iPhone 14 Pro models become unresponsive when restoring from iCloud and making data transfers from their old iPhones.

Apple said it would address all three issues in next week’s update.

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