Home HEALTH & FITNESS Baking Tips: 5 Easy Hacks To Slice Cake Perfectly

Baking Tips: 5 Easy Hacks To Slice Cake Perfectly

Baking Tips: 5 Easy Hacks To Slice Cake Perfectly


Have you been baking cakes at home? If yes, then you surely know that baking is all about science. Right kind of ingredients, mixed in correct proportion and baked up to a certain time help you get those soft and fluffy freshly baked cakes every single time. In fact, a little change in the process can often ruin all your energy and the cake. This is why we find hundreds of tutorials on the internet demonstrating how to bake a fluffy cake perfectly. But what we often miss out is the presentation part of our baking game. We agree that taste (of a food) speaks for it all, but presentation also plays an important role in grabbing people’s attention. Ask yourself, don’t you start drooling just by the sight of a perfectly sliced and well decorated cake? Of course, you do! But slicing a cake is not as easy as it seems. We often end up crumbling or ruining the cake completely. Think of those smeared, unevenly sliced cakes served at the birthday parties; much relatable?!

This is why we thought of sharing with you some super easy hacks to slice a cake perfectly, just like a professional. Following these simple steps will actually help you get evenly sliced cakes every single time. Take a look.

Also read: Baking Hacks: 10 Important Baking Steps We Often Miss Out

Here’re 5 Easy Tips To Slice A Cake Perfectly:

1. Chill The Cake

Always keep the cake in refrigerator for some time before slicing it. This will firm up the cake and make it easy for you to slice evenly.

2. Use Big Knife

Always use a bigger knife – a bread knife or chef’s knife – to cut the cake. This will help you have a firm grip while slicing.


3. Use Hot And Wet Knife

This is one of the most effective hacks to follow. Take the knife, warm it up for a few seconds and wipe with dampen cloth. Then immediately slice the cake. This will help you slide through the frosting, without smearing it.

4. Wipe Knife In Between

Never let the frosting or the crumbs collect on the knife. This makes it even difficult to cut the cake. In fact, it always suggested to wipe off the knife at regular intervals, while slicing the cake.

5. Use Dental Floss Or Thread

If you have a large sheet of cake, then a thread or dental floss is the best tool to use. It helps you slice the cake cleanly, without any fear of it getting crumbled or smeared.

Now that you got these amazing hacks handy, what are you waiting for? Prepare yourself a yummy piece of cake, slice it and indulge. Here are some amazing cake recipes for you. 

About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.


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