Home BUSINESS News CNN President to Exit Cable Channel at End of 2021

CNN President to Exit Cable Channel at End of 2021

CNN President to Exit Cable Channel at End of 2021


Jeff Zucker has run CNN for eight years


Mike Coppola/Getty Images for WarnerMedia

CNN President

Jeff Zucker

will depart the cable news channel at the end of 2021, when his contract expires, according to people familiar with the matter, ending months of uncertainty about the network’s leadership.

Mr. Zucker, who has run CNN for eight years, signaled internally in recent months that he wasn’t sure he would stay through his current contract. He was unhappy about how his boss, WarnerMedia Chief Executive

Jason Kilar,

had surprised him with a reorganization of the company’s executive ranks, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The two executives have since patched up those disagreements, according to a person familiar with their relationship, who called the disputes growing pains.

Since Mr. Zucker didn’t agree to stay at the network beyond this year, WarnerMedia will soon need to contemplate who will fill his role.

Mr. Zucker’s decision to complete his contract comes as CNN has had a strong run in the ratings since the presidential election. Since the beginning of the year, CNN has ranked No. 1 in prime-time, while MSNBC is in second place and longtime ratings leader Fox News has fallen to third, according to Nielsen. CNN has also led among viewers 25 to 54, the key news demographic for advertisers.

Mr. Zucker is said to have the support of AT&T Inc. Chief Executive

John Stankey,

who in 2019 gave Mr. Zucker oversight of WarnerMedia’s news and sports properties.

Write to Benjamin Mullin at Benjamin.Mullin@wsj.com

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