Home GLOBAL NEWS Covid-19: Cases fall for second week in a row, Delhi numbers halve | India News – Times of India

Covid-19: Cases fall for second week in a row, Delhi numbers halve | India News – Times of India

Covid-19: Cases fall for second week in a row, Delhi numbers halve | India News – Times of India


Covid-19 cases in the country fell for the second week running following four weeks of a creeping rise driven by a spurt in infections in Delhi-NCR.
As in the previous weeks, deaths from the virus remained extremely low, with just 17 fresh fatalities reported so far in the week ending Sunday, with data from a few states yet to come in. In the previous seven days 34 deaths were reported, and 20 in the week prior to that. These figures do not include fatalities from earlier months added to the toll during this period.
India reported around 14,500 fresh cases during the week (May 16-22), down nearly 21% from nearly 18,500 in the previous week. The week before that (May 2-8) had seen cases rise to 23,075, the highest weekly tally since March 7-13.
As with the rise in infections in the earlier weeks, the fall in cases too was led by Delhi-NCR. Fresh cases recorded in the capital fell to nearly half of the previous week’s total, decreasing from 6,104 to 3,196. Haryana posted a 35% decrease from 2,593 cases last week to 1,674 in the present one. UP’s tally fell by 31%, from 1,351 to 930. However, weekly cases were rising in Kerala and Maharashtra while remaining more or less the same in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Telangana and MP, among others.
Kerala, from where data is received one day later, looks likely to surpass Delhi’s total this week to emerge as the state with the highest number of fresh cases, registering a rise of close to 30%. In Maharashtra, cases were up 25%, with the tally rising from 1,562 to 1,954 this week.


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