Ford Creates Electric-Vehicle, Gas-Engine Divisions in Company Reshape


A robot works on a Ford pre-production all-electric F-150 Lightning truck prototype in Dearborn, Mich.




F -4.90%

Motor Co. is planning a major reorganization of its operations to create two separate divisions—one for its conventional gas-engine business and another to focus on developing electric vehicles and software, the auto maker said.

Ford plans to keep both operations in-house but give them separate names and their own leadership structures and profit-and-loss statements, it said Wednesday. The move is scheduled to be outlined later Wednesday during a press conference.

The company also revised upward its projection of EV production and profitability. It expects half of global sales to be electric by 2030, compared with a previous target of 40%, and it lifted its forecast for operating-profit margin to 10% by 2026, from a prior goal of 8%.

The plan represents one of the company’s boldest steps yet under Chief Executive

Jim Farley

to speed development of new battery-powered models. It also comes as investors are driving up the valuations of

Tesla Inc.

TSLA -0.70%

and other young auto startups that aren’t encumbered by a legacy business and are focused solely on selling electric vehicles.

(More to come)

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