Home GLOBAL NEWS Former Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan released on bail | CNN

Former Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan released on bail | CNN

Former Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan released on bail | CNN


Islamabad, Pakistan

Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan has been granted bail by Islamabad’s highest court, days after his dramatic arrest over corruption charges set off a deadly outpouring of anger against the country’s military.

A judge in the capital city’s High Court on Friday ordered Khan’s temporary release for two weeks.

“I am 100% sure I will be arrested again. I was allowed by the NAB to talk to my wife, arrest warrants are issued against her too,” Khan told CNN outside the courtroom ahead of his hearing.

It came a day after Pakistan’s Supreme Court ruled Khan’s arrest on Tuesday by Pakistan’s anti-graft agency, the National Accountability Bureau (NBI), was unlawful.

Khan’s party had filed a petition to challenge the illegal land acquisition charges against him by the NBI.

More details soon…


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