Home GLOBAL NEWS Jharkhand judge death case: 2 accused drivers sentenced to life imprisonment till death | Ranchi News – Times of India

Jharkhand judge death case: 2 accused drivers sentenced to life imprisonment till death | Ranchi News – Times of India

Jharkhand judge death case: 2 accused drivers sentenced to life imprisonment till death | Ranchi News – Times of India


DHANBAD: A special CBI court in Dhanbad on Saturday sentenced two men to rigorous life imprisonment till death in connection with the death of additional district and sessions judge Uttam Anand last year. The court had convicted the accused on July 28.
The decision comes a year after the judge was fatally knocked down by an auto during a morning stroll down a deserted Dhanbad road.

The CBI court had pronounced auto drivers Lakhan Verma and Rahul Verma guilty of murder without the prosecution needing to establish a motive for the “deliberate” act.
A viral CCTV footage purportedly showed that the convicted duo twice entered the city’s Judges’ Colony before their auto dashed the victim from behind at speed. The fatal hit, captured on camera at 5.08am on July 28, 2021, was initially suspected to be an accident.


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