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Trump brand takes another hit: Sears and Kmart



White House plugs Ivanka Trump's brand

Nordstrom. Neiman Marcus. TJ Maxx. And now, Sears and Kmart.

Sears Holdings, the company that owns retail stores Sears and Kmart, reportedly said this weekend that it would remove 31 Trump-branded items from its website.

The company pulled the products as part of a plan to focus on its “most profitable items,” Sears spokesman Brian Hanover told Reuters.

Hanover told the news organization that items in the Trump Home line of furnishings were removed from the company’s website, although they could still be purchased through third-party vendors online. Neither store carried the items in their physical stores, he said.

Searches of the Sears and KMart websites did not turn up Trump Home products, except for those sold by third-party vendors.

In a statement Monday, spokesman Chris Brathwaite distanced Sears from any political controversy and reiterated that many Trump-branded products are still available through third-party sellers.

“In this case, certain products were removed from our websites that included a very small number of Trump products,” he said. “The headlines do not do justice to our business or this specific brand of products that we offer through our marketplace sellers.”

Brathwaite added that the company prefers to focus on its business and “leave the politics to others.”

Related: Is Ivanka Trump’s brand losing its bling?

The move makes Sears the latest to ditch products bearing the Trump name.

Earlier this month, Nordstrom (JWN) cited brand “performance,” not politics, as the reason why it decided to stop carrying Ivanka Trump’s clothing and accessories label.

President Trump knocked the department store on Twitter in retaliation. Nordstrom stock jumped 7% in the first two days following the tweet.

Other stores have also sought to distance themselves from Ivanka Trump’s brand.

Neiman Marcus removed the brand landing page from its website, and declined to tell CNNMoney whether it intended to keep Ivanka Trump products in stores or resume online sales in the future.

TJX Companies (TJX), the company that owns TJ Maxx and Marshalls, also said that it had recently told workers not to highlight the first daughter’s brand in stores.

And retailer Belk said last week that it planned to pull Ivanka Trump’s products from its website, but would continue to offer the line in its flagship stores.

Ivanka Trump’s clothing and accessories line has taken a hit in recent months.

Online sales of her brand dipped 26% in January compared to a year earlier, according to Slice Intelligence, a retail analysis firm. Slice studied the brand’s sales on five online stores: Nordstrom, Amazon, Zappos, Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s.

Online sales of Ivanka’s brand had surged in late 2015, and last month’s numbers appear to be more of a “return to reality,” according to Taylor Stanton, Slice’s marketing and communications manager. The brand’s dip in performance was abnormal in light of an uptick in 2016 online sales in the apparel and accessories category, said Jack Beckwythe, a Slice analyst.

Related: Kellyanne Conway unrepentant for Ivanka Trump plug

The Ivanka Trump brand has defended its performance.

Rosemary Young, senior director of marketing at Ivanka Trump, told CNNMoney last week that the brand was growing and experienced “significant year-over-year revenue growth in 2016.”

“We believe that the strength of a brand is measured not only by the profits it generates, but the integrity it maintains,” Young said.

Retailers like Bloomingdale’s, Amazon (AMZN), Lord & Taylor, Macy’s (M) and Zappos all still carry Ivanka Trump products.

Ivanka Trump has taken a leave of absence from her namesake company since her father won the presidency. She has no formal role in the administration but is expected to have a voice on issues such as women’s empowerment and child care.

–CNNMoney’s Jackie Wattles contributed to this story.

CNNMoney (New York) First published February 12, 2017: 3:35 PM ET


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Heavy drinking hampers decision-making the next day



Heavy drinking hampers decision-making the next day

Heavy drinking hampers decision-making the next day

Drinking too much? Stop it right now. Researchers warn that heavy drinkers or people with a hangover have less ability to plan or set goals and make decisions the following day. When hungover, individuals have a reduced ability to retain information in their short-term memory – for example retaining a telephone number whilst taking a message at the same time. They also highlight impairments when it comes to individuals’ ability to switch attention between tasks and focus on a goal.

Published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, the study highlights the true impact of heavy drinking and provides new evidence as to why hangovers cost the wider economy so much.

A recent report, which involved the same team, found that hangovers cost the UK economy 1.4 billion pound a year in wasted productivity, including people working while hungover.

“We know that hangovers can have a big economic cost, but we did not know how hangover affects our ability to switch attention from one task to another, update information in our mind, and maintain focus on setting goals,” said study lead author Craig Gunn from the University of Bath in the UK.

“Our study asked participants to complete tasks measuring these processes when they had a hangover and again when they had not consumed alcohol. The results suggest that all of these processes are impaired by a hangover, which could have consequences for other aspects of our lives,” Gun explained.

The latest study involved thirty-five 18 to 30-year-olds who had reported experiencing a hangover at least once in the past month.

Individuals completed measures which assessed their ability to switch attention between tasks, to update and process information from multiple sources and to guide and plan behaviour, whilst experiencing a hangover.

Few studies have explored how hangover affects key cognitive processes, the so-called ‘core executive functions’, which we use in daily life to planning, set goals and make decisions.

“Our data show that this impairment is likely the result of reduced capability in several core executive functions, which are important for tasks such as workplace performance and driving,” said study senior author Dr Sally Adams.


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Tesla is going to sell electric cars in the Middle East



Elon Musk in 90 Seconds

Tesla is bringing its electric cars to the heart of the oil producing world.

The automaker announced Monday that its first official venture in the Middle East will be in the United Arab Emirates.

The first cars — the Model S and Model X — will hit the road this summer.

“Timing seems to be good to really make a significant debut in this region starting in Dubai,” Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk said at the World Government Summit in Dubai.

Tesla owners will have access to two existing supercharging stations in the UAE, and Telsa plans to open five more by the end of the year.

Despite sitting on huge oil and gas reserves, the UAE has ambitious plans to go green. Last month it said it will invest $163 billion to boost alternative energy use over the next three decades.

Related: Tesla reveals what it will charge for a charge

It’s the latest in a series of expansion announcements for Tesla. Last week, Musk hinted that Tesla may soon come to India.

Musk has also teased plans to build “heavy-duty trucks and high passenger-density urban transport” as well developing a ride-hailing network, which could be similar to Uber.

Speaking in Dubai, the entrepreneur expounded on the future of robotics.

“We will see autonomy and artificial intelligence advance tremendously,” Musk said. “In probably 10 years, it will be very unusual for cars to be built that are not fully autonomous.”

Related: Elon Musk’s surprising secret weapon: Trump?

But he also warned of the “disruptive” nature of autonomous vehicles.

“That disruption I’m talking about will take place over about 20 years. Still, 20 years is a short period of time to have something like 12% to 15% of the workforce be unemployed.”

Musk said governments must pay close attention to artificial intelligence, create sustainable transport and be wary of mass unemployment.

“This will be a massive social challenge. Ultimately, we need to think about universal basic income. I don’t think we have a choice,” he said. “There will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot cannot do better.”

— Seth Fiegerman contributed reporting.

CNNMoney (Dubai) First published February 13, 2017: 11:06 AM ET


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Warm weather draws many out in US, Europe; Russia virus numbers grow



Gorgeous spring weather across the United States and Europe on Saturday drew people cooped up inside for weeks outside to soak in the sun, even as additional coronavirus hot spots in Russia and Pakistan emerged.

Though grateful to be outdoors, people were still wary – masks were worn everywhere, even on southern U.S. beaches and by some joggers in Spain. A New York City farmer’s market enforced the familiar 6 feet (2 meters) of space between people waiting to buy spring flowers.

Mothers in Central Park reminded their kids to give people space. And small groups of picnickers kept their safe distances, while joggers moved past each other without a glance.

Retired New York attorney Stan Neustadter pulled down his mask to say it’s been important to his spirit to get out. “Why live like a rabbit? Plus I’m approaching 78, I’ve had a great run,” Neustadter said.

Police and park officials were spread out across New York City, which sent out 1,000 officers to enforce social distancing on the warmest day since mid-March. But they were more likely to break up large groups, leaving the nuisances of social distancing and hanging out safely outside to New Yorkers themselves.

“Go for a walk, but respect the social distancing and wear a mask,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.

With gigs drying up at clubs and concert halls, German native Julia Banholzer, a saxophonist, said she has taken to playing al fresco in Central Park for whoever happens by. On Saturday that was a steady stream of folks, most wearing masks, who left tips for her trio as they worked their way through a set of jazz standards.

“It’s great to have an audience after all these weeks.” she said. “All my dates have been canceled through September, and I don’t know if any will come back this year. New York is a tough place, but this is just another tough period we need to get through.”

Meanwhile, fighter jets from the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds drew people outside as they flew over Atlanta, Baltimore and Washington in honor of health care workers. In Atlanta, motorists stopped on a major highway while other people found open places to look to the sky on rooftops or a cemetery.

New Jersey reopened state parks Saturday. Limited to 50% capacity in their parking areas, several had to turn away additional arrivals by the afternoon. But nearly everyone followed the rules on social distancing and Gov. Phil Murphy said “so far, so good” at his daily briefing.

Margie Roebuck and her husband were among the first people on the sand at Island Beach State Park. “Forty-six days in the house was enough,” she said.

Elsewhere in the world, the pandemic’s danger was still evident. Russia and Pakistan reported their biggest one-day spikes in new infections.

Overall, Russia has reported around 125,000 cases and more than 1,200 deaths. True numbers are believed to be much higher because not everyone is tested. In the far northeast, 3,000 of 10,000 workers at a vast natural gas field tested positive, Russian news agencies reported.

Moscow’s mayor said this week that officials are considering establishing temporary hospitals at sports complexes and shopping malls to deal with the influx of patients. Infection cases have reached the highest levels of government, with both the prime minister and the construction minister contracting the virus.

Pakistan appears to be joining Russia with rapidly increasing case counts. On Saturday, Pakistan announced nearly 1,300 new cases, raising the total in the country of 220 million people to about 18,000.

Newspaper photos showed large numbers of the faithful at Pakistani mosques and only some practicing social distancing. Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government said it might ease controls, but doctors have pleaded for stricter lockdowns, warning an explosion of infections would overwhelm hospitals with only 3,000 intensive care beds nationwide.

The virus has killed more than 238,000 people worldwide, including more than 65,000 in the United States and more than 24,000 each in Italy, Britain, France and Spain, according to a count kept by Johns Hopkins University. Health experts warn a second wave of infections could hit unless testing is expanded dramatically.

For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms. For some, especially older adults and those with health problems, it can cause severe illness such as pneumonia, or death.

There are economic factors to consider as well. In some areas of the United States, reopening is being urged to ease the shutdown of businesses that plunged the global economy into its deepest slump since the 1930s and wiped out millions of jobs.

It has created a patchwork of rules across the 50 states. In South Carolina, where about 20% of the state’s revenue comes from tourism, beach hotels were allowed to reopen Friday. Webcams showed dozens of people on the beach Saturday, but pools still closed. South Carolina also hasn’t reopened dine-in restaurants, unlike neighboring Georgia. Some U.S. states have yet to start start the reopening process.

Business owners have also been left wondering if customers will return. On a postcard-perfect spring day, Detroit’s Eastern Market had far fewer customers and vendors than normal at the farmer’s market.

Jill and Mark Thomas said they felt safe selling bottles of homemade wine from their Unwined Winery, but it wasn’t the same in the COVID-19 world.

“It’s easier when you can get samples to people,” said Jill Thomas. “We’re not allowed to do that now.”

In Spain, where COVID-19 has caused more than 25,100 deaths, people ventured out Saturday for the first time since a March 14 lockdown.

“I feel good, but tired. You sure notice that it has been a month and I am not in shape,” 36-year-old Cristina Palomeque said in Barcelona. “Some people think it may be too early, as I do, but it is also important to do exercise for health reasons.”

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said Spaniards deserved relief after weeks of confinement, but he asked citizens to remain vigilant.

“Until we have a vaccine, we are going to see more outbreaks,” Sánchez said. “What we need to guarantee is that these outbreaks do not put our national health system in danger.”


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Prenatal exposure to air pollutants linked to growth delays



Prenatal exposure to air pollutants linked to growth delays
Image Source : TWITTER

Prenatal exposure to air pollutants linked to growth delays

Researchers have found an association between exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and delays in physical growth in the early years after birth. The study, published in the journal Environment International, analysed data from more than 1,700 mother-child pairs from four cities of Spain. “This prospective study suggests that exposure to air pollution during pregnancy may be associated with delays in physical growth in the first years of life,” said study lead author Serena Fossati from Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) in Spain.

“The implication of our findings is that prenatal exposure to air pollutants has a lasting effect on growth after birth and that this parameter should be followed up at later ages,” Fossati added.

For the results, the researchers estimated the exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5)–two of the most common traffic-related air pollutants in cities–during the first trimester of pregnancy, using models based on levels of these pollutants measured in the study area.

The evolution of the children’s body mass index (BMI) from birth to age four years was recorded. Height and weight were measured at four years of age.

The results showed that greater exposure to particulate matter during the first trimester of pregnancy was associated with a higher risk of lower weight and body mass index at four years of age. Results for NO2 exposure were similar but did not reach statistical significance.

“The hypotheses we are considering include oxidative stress and inflammation, interference with thyroid hormones, induction of cell death due to DNA damage, and an increased risk of respiratory diseases and other health problems that could delay growth,” said study researcher Martine Vrijheid.

“What is clear is that the adverse effects of air pollution begin in the prenatal phase, so pregnant women should be considered a priority group in public health policies aimed at reducing the population’s exposure to air pollution,” Vrijheid added.


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Verizon’s new plan: Consumers win, investors lose



Inside Verizon's device testing lab

Verizon has brought back its unlimited data plan. That’s great if you’re a Verizon customer. But it is terrible news for its investors.

Verizon (VZ) stock fell nearly 1.5% in early trading Monday. It’s now down about 10% so far this year, making it the Dow’s worst performer of 2017.

Verizon’s move is a clear sign the company has to pull out all the stops to remain competitive with wireless rivals AT&T (T), Sprint (S) and T-Mobile (TMUS).

“In recent months, both T-Mobile and Sprint had some success taking additional share from Verizon by virtue of their unlimited offerings,” wrote Morgan Stanley analysts in a report Monday morning.

That may explain why shares of T-Mobile and Sprint, which is now controlled by Japanese tech conglomerate SoftBank, are both up this year while Verizon is down. T-Mobile and Sprint have also been perennially linked as possible merger partners.

But the new telecom price war isn’t the only problem for Verizon.

AT&T recently acquired satellite broadcast provider DirecTV, a move that makes Ma Bell more competitive against Verizon in the battle to control people’s living rooms. Verizon offers its own FiOS broadband TV service.

Related: Verizon brings back unlimited data plans

And AT&T is also making a much bigger bet on content, with plans to purchase CNN’s parent company Time Warner (TWX). Verizon already owns AOL and is looking to buy the core assets of Yahoo to bolster its own digital content offerings.

But the Yahoo (YHOO) deal could fall apart in the wake of revelations of massive data breaches at Yahoo over the past few years.

Yahoo recently said it hopes that the deal with Verizon will close in the second quarter of this year. It was originally supposed to be finalized by the first quarter.

However, in its latest earnings release, Verizon simply said that it “continues to work with Yahoo to assess the impact of data breaches” — not that it expected the deal to close anytime soon.

Verizon has a lot on its plate, which could be making investors nervous. In addition to the Yahoo deal, the company is also in the process of buying the fiber optic network of XO Communications. And it’s selling its data center business to Equinix (EQIX).

There also have been rumors in the past few weeks that Verizon might even consider buying cable provider Charter Communications (CHTR).

That may be more than Verizon can realistically handle right now. But nothing may be off the table for Verizon given how competitive the wireless world is these days.

Anything that could give Verizon a leg up on AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile might be possible.

Related: Charter shares popped on report of possible Verizon takeover

Still, it’s worth noting that shares of AT&T are lower this year too, down about 5%. And Verizon and A&T have something in common that Sprint and T-Mobile lack — Verizon and AT&T pay gigantic dividends.

Companies that have big dividend yields haven’t fared as well since Donald Trump was elected. Investors are betting on a sizable stimulus package from him and the Republican Congress, which may be fueled in part by debt.

That’s caused bond yields to rise — and that makes shares of big dividend payers like Verizon a lot less attractive.

The Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates a few times this year too. That could push bond yields even higher.

So Verizon faces many big challenges that could hurt its stock this year.

That’s why Verizon, nicknamed Big Red because of its logo’s crimson hue, may see its stock in the red for the foreseeable future.

CNNMoney (New York) First published February 13, 2017: 11:27 AM ET


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How do people end up ‘confined’ on YouTube




The findings showed that YouTube’s algorithms were contrary to other platforms.

Researchers have cracked how the successive recommendations generated by Google-owned Youtube’s algorithm sometimes “confine” us in a bubble of similar content. The researchers at the Centre Marc Bloch-Franco-German Research Centre for the Social Sciences in Germany, studied this phenomenon by exploring recommendations from a thousand videos on different subjects, thereby running through half a million recommendations.

“We focused on YouTube which has become a major online content provider but where confinement has until now been little-studied in a systematic manner.

“We aim to contribute to the above literature by showing whether recommendation on YouTube exhibits phenomena typical of filter bubbles, tending to lower the diversity of consumed content,” they added in a paper published in the journal PLOS ONE. The findings showed that contrary to the algorithms of other platforms, which seem to promote the exploration of novelty and serendipity, YouTube”s is actually an exception, generating a number of confinement phenomena.

A user’s navigation based on recommendations can be seen as a movement within a network of interconnected videos: by starting out from a particular video, the recommendation network is more or less closed, in other words, it leads to content that is more or less similar and redundant.

In addition, the content that leads to the most confined recommendation networks also seems to revolve around the most viewed videos or the ones with the longest viewing time.

“So far, this work appears to concur on the fact that platforms rather tend to expand the navigation landscape of users. Here, the mean-field of YouTube recommendations shows up as an exception,” the researchers noted.

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America’s NAFTA nemesis: Canada, not Mexico



NAFTA explained

America and Canada have one of the world’s biggest trade relationships.

President Donald Trump met for the first time Monday with Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“We have a very outstanding trade relationship with Canada,” Trump said at the news conference.

But the U.S.-Canada trade relationship over the years has not been as smooth as you might think. There have been trade wars, acts of retaliation, allegations of dumping and jobs lost.

“Our trading relationship obviously is strong…but the relationship has been rocky, despite the agreements we have in place,” says Stuart Trew, an editor at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, a research group in Ottawa, Canada’s capital.

Trump has often slammed Mexico and NAFTA, the trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. But Canada is rarely mentioned.

Yet, there have been more NAFTA dispute claims against Canada — almost all by U.S. companies — than against Mexico. Even today, Canada has stiff tariffs against the United States and the two sides only recently resolved a bitter dispute over meat.

Most leaders and experts stress that trade ties between the two nations are strong and mostly positive. But Canada and America have had plenty of battles along the way.

Now Trump wants to renegotiate NAFTA, which will be on the top of the agenda for his meeting with Trudeau.

1. Canada gets in more NAFTA trouble than Mexico

Listening to Trump, you might think Mexico is the bad actor of NAFTA. But since NAFTA’s inception in 1994, there have been 39 complaints brought against Canada, almost all by U.S. companies. Known in the industry as the investor state dispute settlements, it allows companies to resolve cases under a special panel of NAFTA judges instead of local courts in Mexico, Canada, or the U.S.

There’s only been 23 complaints against Mexico. (By comparison, companies from both Mexico and Canada have filed a total of 21 complaints against the U.S.)

And increasingly, Canada is the target of American complaints. Since 2005, Canada has been hit with 70% of the NAFTA dispute claims, according to CCPA, a Canadian research firm.

2. The U.S. – Canada lumber battle

NAFTA isn’t the only sore area. In 2002, the U.S. slapped a roughly 30% tariff on Canadian lumber, alleging that Canada was “dumping” its wood on the U.S. market. Canada rejected the claim and argued the tariff cost its lumber companies 30,000 jobs.

“It was a very sour point in Canadian – American relations for quite a while,” says Tom Velk, an economics professor at McGill University in Montreal.

The dispute had its origins in the 1980s, when American lumber companies said their Canadian counterparts weren’t playing fair.

Whether Canada actually broke the rules is a matter of dispute.

Canadian officials deny that the government is subsidizing softwood lumber companies in Canada. American lumber companies still allege that it does, and a U.S. Commerce Department report found that Canada was providing subsidies to lumber companies in 2004. It didn’t say whether the subsidies were ongoing.

According to the allegations, Canada subsidized lumber companies because the government owns many of the lands where the wood comes from. That subsidy — on top of Canada’s huge lumber supply — allowed Canada to price its lumber below what U.S. companies can charge.

The World Trade Organization ultimately sided with Canada, denying America’s claim and the two sides came to an agreement in 2006 to end the tariff.

However, that agreement and its ensuing grace period expired in October, and the two sides are back at it again. The Obama and Trudeau administrations couldn’t reach a compromise before Obama left office and it remains a contentious trade issue with U.S. lumber companies calling once again for tariffs.

Related: ‘Without NAFTA’ we’d be out of business

3. Smoot-Hawley triggers U.S. – Canada trade war

Things got even worse during the Great Depression. In 1930, Congress wanted to protect U.S. jobs from global trade. So the U.S. slapped tariffs on all countries that shipped goods to America in an effort to shield workers.

It was called the Smoot-Hawley Act. Today, it is widely accepted that this law made the Great Depression worse than it was.

Canada was furious, and retaliated more than any other country against the U.S., sparking a trade war.

“Canada was so incensed that…they raised their own tariff on certain products to match the new U.S. tariff,” according to Doug Irwin, a Dartmouth Professor and author of “Peddling Protectionism: Smoot-Hawley and the Great Depression.”

For example, the U.S. increased a tariff on eggs from 8 cents to 10 cents (these are 1930s prices, after all). Canada retaliated by also increasing its tariff from 3 cents to 10 cents — a threefold increase.

Exports dwindled sharply: in 1929, the U.S. exported nearly 920,000 eggs to Canada. Three years later, it only shipped about 14,000 eggs, according to Irwin.

Related: Remember Smoot-Hawley: America’s last major trade war

4. Canada’s sky high tariffs on U.S. eggs, poultry, milk

Fast forward to today. Smoot-Hawley is long gone, but Canada continues to charge steep tariffs on U.S. imports of eggs, chicken and milk.

For instance, some tariffs on eggs are as high as 238% per dozen, according to Canada’s Agriculture Department. Some milk imports, depending on the fat content, are as high as 292%.

“They’re so onerous that you can’t bring it across. There’s no American eggs in Quebec,” says Velk.

According to Canada’s Embassy in the U.S., reality is much different. Its officials say that despite some stiff tariffs, Canada is one of the top export markets for American milk, poultry and eggs.

The U.S. does have tariffs on some goods coming from all countries, but they are not nearly as high as Canada’s.

Experts say these tariffs continue to irk some U.S. dairy and poultry farmers, some of whom are challenged to sell into the Canadian market. But they doubt much will change since the tariffs have been in place for decades now.

Related: Those Reagan tariffs Trump loves to talk about

5. COOLer heads and the future of NAFTA

Despite all these disputes, experts stress this trade relationship is still one of the best in the world.

In fact, the two countries are so interconnected now, when trade disputes erupt sometimes American companies will side with Canadian companies and against U.S. lawmakers.

For example, Canadian meat producers disputed a U.S. law that required them to label where the cattle was born, raised and slaughtered. Canadians said the law discriminated against its meat from being sold in the U.S. and took the case to the WTO.

The WTO sided with Canada, and last December, Congress repealed the country-of-origin-labeling law. American meat producers — whose business is intertwined with Canada — actually supported their counterparts in Canada, arguing the regulation was too burdensome.

As for Trump’s proposal of tearing up NAFTA, many American and Canadian experts say that it’s not worth it to renegotiate or end the agreement. The three countries that are part of the agreement are so enmeshed with each other that untangling all that integration would be detrimental to trade and economic growth.

–Editor’s note: This story was originally published on August 11, 2016. We have since updated it.

CNNMoney (New York) First published February 13, 2017: 11:11 AM ET


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Akshaya Tritiya 2020: Wishes, images, photos, greetings, SMS, Facebook and WhatsApp messages, status



Akshaya Tritiya, Akshaya Tritiya 2020

Akshaya Tritiya is considered an auspicious day to buy gold

Akshaya Tritiya falls on the third day of the brighter half of the moon in the month of Vaisakha, as per the lunar calendar. This year Akshaya Tritiya 2020 will be celebrated on April 26, Sunday. According to the Gregorian calendar, the auspicious day is celebrated in April every year. On Akshaya Tritiya, people observe fast and worship Lord Vishnu with rice grains. They seek blessings and distribute germinating grams, fresh fruits and sweets. It is also an auspicious day for the Jain community as it marks the end of first Tirthankara’s one-year asceticism. People also buy gold on Akshaya Tritiya.

Akshaya Tritiya is an important day in Hindu astrology. According to mythology, the sun and the moon become equally bright on this day. There are several stories related to this day. According to Shiva Purana, Lord Shiva made Kuber the lord of riches and banker of heaven on Akshaya Tritiya. While some believe Parashuram, an avatar of Lord Vishnu, was born on this day, some also say that Goddess Ganga had arrived on Earth from heaven on Akshaya Tritiya. 

Another story states that while Pandavas were living in exile, many dignitaries came to visit them. There was no food left in the home and this made Draupadi sad. One day, Lord Krishna came to visit them. He was received very warmly by five brothers but Draupadi didn’t come out to greet him. Lord Krishna saw her weeping in the kitchen in front of an empty pot. There was just a single grain of rice in that pot and Krishna ate it. At that time of the day, the whole universe was satiated. He also blessed her with the Akshaya Patra (a vessel which could supply food non-stop every day). Hence Goddess Annapoorna, the deity, is worshipped on Akshaya Tritiya.

Akshaya Tritiya 2020: Wishes, greetings, SMS, Facebook and WhatsApp messages, status

  • Happy Akshaya Tritiya to you and your family. May this auspicious day bring you a new beginning of greater prosperity.


  • May this auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya bring you good luck and success.
  • May Lord Vishnu bless you with wealth and prosperity. Happy Akshaya Tritiya.
  • Sanskrit Word Akshaya Means One That Never Diminishes. May This Day of Akshaya Tritiya You Good Luck and Success Which Never Diminishes. Happy Akshaya Tritiya.
  • May Lord Bless You on This Auspicious Day of Akshaya Tritiya, and May It Be a New Beginning of Greater Prosperity, Success and Happiness. Greetings on Akshaya Tritiya.

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Apple stock nears record high



Apple looks to manufacture in India

Apple has found its groove again.

The iPhone maker’s stock hit $133.82 in early trading Monday, putting Apple less than $1 away from its intraday trading high of $134.54, reached in April 2015. Apple’s stock ended the day at $133.29, beating its previous record closing price of $133, set in February 2015.

The stock surge, pushing Apple (AAPL) to a $700 billion market cap, comes amid renewed optimism for the iPhone.

Goldman Sachs raised its price target for the stock on Monday, citing the likelihood of “major new features” like “3D sensing” being added to the next iPhone model, according to an investor note provided to CNNMoney.

Apple’s previous high was set six months after it released the redesigned iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, kicking off what CEO Tim Cook described as the “mother of all upgrades.”

Since then, however, Apple has bucked its tradition of overhauling the iPhone every other year. The newest models on the market today look nearly identical to the iPhones available in late 2014.

The long wait, combined with this year marking the iPhone’s tenth anniversary, has only raised expectations that Apple is about to significantly overhaul its smartphone and reignite demand.

Related: Tim Cook: ‘Apple would not exist without immigration’

Apple’s annual sales fell in the 2016 fiscal year for the first time since 2001 as iPhone sales, still the majority of its business, declined in three consecutive quarters.

Apple even cut its CEO’s pay by 15% due to the company’s failure to meet its performance goals for both sales and profits.

But that losing streak just ended.

Apple sales started growing again in the December quarter, driven by stronger demand for the iPhone — particularly for the larger and more expensive iPhone 7 Plus.

The company sold 78.3 million iPhones for the quarter, setting a new record. At least some of that may be due to the Samsung’s smartphone recall woes.

Mark Moskowitz, an analyst with William Blair, wrote in an investor note this month, “Samsung’s Note 7 struggles likely helped.”

The iPhone isn’t the only reason Wall Street is excited about Apple. There’s also President Trump.

Despite Trump clashing with Apple during the campaign, investors are now optimistic Apple will benefit from at least one Trump proposal: cutting taxes on cash that U.S. businesses bring back from their overseas accounts.

Apple currently has $230 billion in cash held in foreign accounts. If Trump and Congress make it cheaper for Apple to bring that money back, it could be used for acquisitions and buybacks.

CNNMoney (New York) First published February 13, 2017: 12:24 PM ET


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World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020: History, Significance and things to keep in mind amid COVID-19



World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020: Know the history and the significance in times of COVI

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020: Know the history and the significance in times of COVID-19

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work was first observed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in the year 2003 and laid importance on the prevention of accidents and diseases at the workplace. The day is celebrated every year on April 28 and is important since a person spends most of his time at his workplace and so a secure workplace environment is something which everyone can expect. This year when the world is in the grip of the novel coronavirus pandemic, the United Nations tweeted in order to salute the “courage, commitment and heroic efforts” of all corona warriors. Previously, the theme of the day was violence and harassment in the workplace later which it was changed to ‘stop the pandemic.’

World Day for Safety and Health at Work Significance:

The day which is being observed on April 28, 2020, aims at promoting the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases at the workplace.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work during COVID-19:

Perceiving the progressing pandemic, ILO concluded that World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 will concentrate on tending to the irresistible ailments at work, especially COVID-19. Working environments are urged to address and bring issues to light about the malady among representatives, masterminding virtual methods of communication.

This year, there is a need to perceive the challenge looked by everyone in current occasions. The World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 will basically concentrate on the COVID-19 pandemic. 

As per an official statement by ILO Director-General Guy Ryder, “We need special measures to protect the millions of health care workers and other workers who risk their own health for us every day.”



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Stocks hit record again. But is Trump the reason?



What does a Trump presidency mean for the Fed?

The Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq and Russell 2000 each hit new all-time highs Monday.

Investors are giddy with excitement and they clearly believe that both big blue chip multinationals and smaller companies that do most of their business in the U.S. will continue to thrive.

So is this the Donald Trump rally? Or the Janet Yellen rally?

Some strategists believe Trump’s stimulus plans and talk of killing many burdensome regulations are the reasons stocks are soaring.

Or perhaps this is better characterized as a continuation of the Barack Obama rally instead?

You could argue that POTUS 44 has dealt POTUS 45 a pretty good hand.

The solid job market and overall economy that Trump inherited may be the reason consumers and businesses are so confident.

But investors (and financial journalists) are often quick to give the president more credit — and blame — than they probably deserve for the performance of the stock market.

RBC strategist Jonathan Golub pointed this out in a report on Monday, one that was aptly titled “Message to Market: It’s Not All About Donald.”

Related: Trump isn’t killing the bull market

Golub noted that the S&P 500 rose nearly 7% from late June through Election Day — a time when most polls were predicting that Hillary Clinton would be the next president.

But stocks have continued to rally since then, rising another 8% since Trump pulled off the upset (at least to the mainstream media and Wall Street) victory.

You can’t have it both ways. It makes no logical sense to suggest that stocks rallied because investors believed Trump would lose and that they continued to rally because Trump didn’t lose.

Bond yields have also been rising since Trump won, a phenomenon that many investors have attributed to the likelihood of stimulus from the president and Republican Congress.

Yet Golub points out that the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury was going up during the late summer as well.

Of course, many investors were expecting stimulus from Clinton too.

Yet once again, many investors are claiming that Trump is the catalyst for something that not only was going on before he was elected, but was happening because many thought he would lose.

Related: Stocks have avoided a 1% dive for an unusually long period of time

So it’s odd that Trump is being cited as the main reason for a market rally that began months before anyone felt he could win.

What’s really going on? The one constant during the past few months is the Federal Reserve.

Yes. the markets are reacting to Washington. But they are paying closer attention to Janet Yellen, not the White House.

The Fed made it crystal clear before the election that it would probably raise interest rates in December and do so a few more times in 2017 regardless of who won the race for president.

The good news for investors is that the U.S. economy seems to be growing steadily, but does not appear to be at risk of overheating.

Related: Here’s why the world’s largest money manager is worried

The most recent jobs report showed that wages grew at a decent rate of 2.5% annually. But that’s not nearly high enough to spark fears of runaway inflation and lead the Fed to aggressively raise rates.

Even if Yellen and the Fed hike rates three times this year, they are likely to do so by just a quarter point every time. That would push the Fed’s key short-term rate to a range of 1.25% to 1.5%.

That’s still extremely low. At those levels, stocks would still be more attractive than bonds. Corporate earnings should be able to keep rising at a healthy clip. And consumers would probably keep spending.

So investors would be wise to keep a close eye on Yellen and not just have a myopic focus on the president,

With that in mind, Yellen is set to testify in front of Congress on Tuesday and Wednesday. And what she says about the timing and magnitude of future rate hikes could wind up keeping the rally going full steam ahead — or stopping it dead in its tracks.

CNNMoney (New York) First published February 13, 2017: 12:30 PM ET


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US journalist Daniel Pearl’s parents challenge freeing of his convicted killers



Slain US journalist Daniel Pearl’s parents have petitioned to the Pakistani Supreme Court seeking to overturn a ruling that freed four men who had been convicted in 2002 of involvement in his killing, their lawyer said on Saturday.

Pakistan to challenge court's verdict in Daniel Pearl's 2002 murder case

File photo of Daniel Pearl from REUTERS

Slain US journalist Daniel Pearl’s parents have petitioned to the Pakistani Supreme Court seeking to overturn a ruling that freed four men who had been convicted in 2002 of involvement in his killing, their lawyer said on Saturday.

“We’re standing up for justice, not only for our son, but for all our dear friends in Pakistan so they can live in a society free of violence and terrorism,” Pearl’s father Judea said in an emotional video message posted on Twitter.

Their lawyer Faisal Siddiqi told Reuters he had filed the petition on their behalf. A court official said it had yet to be admitted for further proceedings.

“A bare perusal of the entire record would reveal that there was a plethora of incriminating evidence, both forensic as well as oral, which proved that murder was committed and that all the accused persons aided and abetted the murder,” the appeal petition said.

Islamist militant Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a Briton of Pakistani origin who was sentenced to death in 2002 for masterminding Pearl’s murder, had his sentence commuted last month and three of his aides who had been sentenced to life in prison were acquitted for lack of evidence by a high court in the southern port city of Karachi.

Pakistani authorities however ordered the four to be kept in detention for three months.

The United States denounced the high court ruling, with the top U.S. diplomat for south Asia saying it was “an affront to victims of terrorism everywhere”.

Wall Street Journal reporter Pearl, 38, was kidnapped in January 2002 while investigating Islamist militants in Karachi, capital of the southern Sindh province. He was beheaded some weeks later.

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Make physical activity part of kids’ routine during lockdown



Make physical activity part of kids' routine during lockdown
Image Source : PIXABAY

Make physical activity part of kids’ routine during lockdown

Parents must ensure that physical activity is part of the routine for children and families during the COVID-19 lockdown and all kinds of screens are kept out of the kids rooms during the sleep time.

The study, published in the journal ‘The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health’, covering 15 nations, found that time spent in places such as parks, beaches and community gardens reduced by nearly a third between the week ending February 23 – before the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a COVID-19 pandemic – and the week ending April 5.

Travel by public transport was down by more than half – 59 per cent – over the same period.

“The measures against COVID-19 are in place for a very good reason but this reduction in physical activity could be seen as an unintended consequence,” said study lead researcher John Reilly from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland.

“Even before the lockdown measures, it was a major problem; our previous research has found that, in Scotland alone, fewer than 20 per cent of children were meeting physical activity guidelines,” Reilly added.

While these and other restrictions are in keeping with the global effort to halt the spread of COVID-19, the researchers found that they were having the effect of reducing still further what were often already low levels of physical activity in children.

The researchers make a number of recommendations to families, health professionals, teachers and policy-makers on promoting healthy activity, including taking the opportunity to go outdoors, while observing distancing regulations.

Incorporating physical activity into children’s daily routines – supported by the use of electronic media – and breaking up extended sedentary periods every 30 to 60 minutes; families should also be encouraged to join in while observing distancing regulations keeping children’s bedtime and rising time consistent.

Keeping screens out of the rooms where they sleep and avoiding screen use before bedtime, the researchers suggested.

“It’s important that people make whatever use of their environment they can and take the opportunities they can to keep the physical activity going,” Reilly said.

“We have found that they are much less active on the non-school days of weekends and holidays; our concern is that they are missing out not only in education but also in inactivity,” the researchers noted.

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Hangover in morning? Drink plant extracts to relieve symptoms



Image Source : INSTAGRAM

The plant extracts included Barbados cherry (Acerola), prickly pear, ginkgo Biloba, willow and ginger root.

If you are suffering from headache and nausea after a drinking fiesta with friends last evening, read this carefully. A plant extract combination of fruits, leaves, and roots may help to relieve hangover symptoms in the morning, says a study. The findings contradict the popular concept that hangovers are caused by a lack of electrolytes in the body — a combination of minerals that help balance acid levels

Various natural remedies have been recommended to ease hangover symptoms, but there is as yet no strong scientific evidence for their use.

In a bid to address that, the researchers from Johannes Gutenberg-University in Germany assessed the potential of specific plant extracts, vitamins and minerals, and antioxidant compounds to ease a range of recognised physical and psychological symptoms associated with drinking alcohol.

The plant extracts included Barbados cherry (Acerola), prickly pear, ginkgo Biloba, willow and ginger root. The vitamins and minerals included magnesium, potassium, sodium bicarbonate, zinc, riboflavin, thiamin and folic acid.

For the findings, published in the journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, some 214 healthy 18-65-year-olds were randomly split into three groups and given a 7.5 g flavoured, water-soluble supplement 45 minutes before, and immediately after they stopped drinking any of beer, white wine, or a white wine spritzer.

Analysis of all the data showed that symptom intensity varied widely among the participants.

But compared with the glucose only supplement, those taking the full supplement of plant extracts, minerals/vitamins, and antioxidants reported less severe symptoms.

Average headache intensity was 34 per cent less, nausea 42 per cent less, while feelings of indifference fell by an average of 27 per cent and restlessness by 41 per cent.

No significant differences or reductions were reported for any of the other symptoms, the researchers said.

Polyphenol and flavonoid compounds in each of the five plant extracts have been associated with curbing the physiological impact of alcohol in previously published experimental studies, the researchers explained.

Their analysis also showed levels of water content in the body weren’t significantly associated with the amount of alcohol drunk.

“The results suggest that alcohol-induced increased fluid excretion does not necessarily lead to a significant dehydration process.

“It seems to be clear that hangover symptoms are predominantly caused by alcohol and its metabolites,” said the researchers.

Another study, published earlier this month in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, claimed that heavy drinker or people with a hangover have less ability to plan or set goals and make decisions the following day.

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Alcohol liquor shops and paan shops to open in Green Zones -with conditions



Liquor Shops to open After Lockdown,mha guidelines,red zone in bangalore,lockdown extension in karna

Liquor shops have been allowed to open in Green Zones across the country

Are you living in Green Zone? Here’s some good news for you. Yes, liquor shops will now open from May 4 in Green Zone. Announcing lockdown 3, government also eased some restrictions in districts where there has been no coronavirus case or no new case in the 21 days. There is no restriction on liquor sale in Green Zones from May 4. As per the new notification by Union Home Ministry, alcohol and paan shops have been permitted in Green Zones. 

After almost a month and a half, as the government announced extension of the lockdown by two weeks, it has allowed liquor shops to operate in Green Zone. Also, not more than five persons should be present at one time inside the stores.

People in the allowed zones (Green) are happy and they have taken to Twitter to express their feelings:

All the activities have been permitted in Green Zones barring few that are prohibited throughout the country, irrespective of the zone. Buses can operate with up to 50% seating capacity and bus depots can operate with upto 50% capacity in the Green Zones.

There was a huge demand to end the ban on liquor sale during lockdown. However, opening shops would have beaten the purpose of a lockdown which was to contain the coronavirus outbreak in the country. Now, according to a report in The Week, a Congress MLA in Rajasthan gave a ‘scientific’ argument for wanting to open liquor outlets. MLA for Sangod constituency Bharat Singh Kundanpur wrote to Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday on the need to reopen liquor shops. Kundanpur wrote, “If coronavirus is cleaned by washing hands with alcohol (present in hand sanitisers), then the throats of drinkers will be cleaned of the virus by alcohol…” 

Also, people don’t forget – wear mask, maintain social distancing and keep washing hands. 

(Disclaimer: Alcohol consumption and eating gutkha and/or tobacco are injurious to health. India TV does not endorse this.)


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Smart contact lenses developed to diagnose, treat diabetes



Smart contact lenses developed to diagnose, treat diabetes

Smart contact lenses developed to diagnose, treat diabetes

A team of researchers has developed wirelessly driven ‘smart contact lens’ technology that can detect diabetes and further treat diabetic retinopathy – a common visual health condition associated with the disease – just by wearing them. The team from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in South Korea developed a wireless powered smart contact lens that can diagnose and treat diabetes by controlling drug delivery with electrical signals.

The smart contact lens was able to effectively monitor blood sugar or glucose levels.

The contact lenses are made of biocompatible polymers and integrate biosensors and drug delivery and data communication systems, according to the study, published in the journal Science Advances.

“Despite the full-fledged research and development of wearable devices from global companies, the commercialisation of wireless-powered medical devices for diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and retinopathy is insufficient,” said study lead researcher Sei Kwang Han from POSTECH.

“We expect that this research will greatly contribute to the advancement of related industries by being the first in developing wireless-powered smart contact lenses equipped with drug delivery system for diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, and treatment of retinopathy, he added.

According to the findings, the research team verified that the glucose level in tears of diabetic rabbits analysed by smart contact lenses matched their blood glucose level using a conventional glucose sensor that utilises drawn blood.

The team additionally confirmed that the drugs encased in smart contact lenses could treat diabetic retinopathy.

Recently, by applying the platform technology of these smart contact lenses, research has been conducted to expand the scope of electroceuticals that use electrical stimulations to treat brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s and mental illnesses including depression, the authors said.

The research team expects this development of self-controlled therapeutic smart contact lenses with real-time biometric analysis to be quickly applied to wearable healthcare industries.

The research team is preparing to carry out clinical trials for the safety and validity assessment for commercialisation of smart contact lenses in collaboration with Interojo Inc., a Korea-based company engaged in the manufacture and marketing of contact lenses.


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Mobile phones may be ‘Trojan horses’ for COVID-19



covid-19, cell phones

The research, led by Associate Professor Lotti Tajouri of Bond University in Australia, reviewed 56 studies from 24 countries and found phones host a staggering cocktail of live germs.

 Are you disinfecting your phone? If not, do it now. Mobile phones could be acting as ‘Trojan horses’ for coronavirus, warn researchers, urging billions of users worldwide to decontaminate their devices daily. While all the studies predate the current pandemic, the authors said that the virus responsible for COVID-19 — SARS-CoV-2 — is probably present on mobile phones and other touch-screen devices of coronavirus sufferers. The research, led by Associate Professor Lotti Tajouri of Bond University in Australia, reviewed 56 studies from 24 countries and found phones host a staggering cocktail of live germs.

“Our recommendation is that phones should be decontaminated daily and regularly with either 70 per cent isopropyl or by sanitising with (ultraviolet) devices like PhoneSoap,” the study published in the journal Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases, said.

The systematic review found golden staph and E. Coli microbes were among the most common bugs on phones.

According to the researchers, mobile devices were ‘five-star hotels with premium heated spas, free buffet for microbes to thrive on’.

“They have temperature control, we keep them in our pockets, we are addicted to them, we talk into them and deposit droplets that can be full of viruses, bacteria — you name it. “We eat with them, so we give nutrients to micro-organisms,” Tajouri said.

“And nobody — absolutely nobody – washes or decontaminates their phone,” Tajouri added.

He said people travelled with their phones “and no border officers check them. It surely causes a biosecurity concern.

“That’s why mobile phones are Trojan horses. We don’t know that we are carrying the enemy,” he said.

Dr Tajouri said phone super-users touched their devices up to 5000 times a day and even the average user handled them an average of three hours a day.

According to the researchers, community transmission could occur when an infected person touched their phone and then a pole on a bus which was grasped by an elderly person.

“The extraordinarily fast contagion that has scientists puzzled might reside within these mobile phones spreading COVID-19 everywhere at ultra-speed,” Dr Tajouri said.

Let’s take that hypothesis seriously. If we clean our phones daily and this makes a difference then we might with this little action curve down the COVID-19 epidemic and save lives, the researchers said.

In March, speaking to IANS, doctors in India advised that in addition to regularly washing hands, one should also disinfect their smartphone every 90 minutes with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

“In the time of fear of coronavirus, smartphones should also be disinfected with alcohol-based sanitizer rub. Pour few drops of sanitizer on a tiny clean cotton pad and rub it safely on your entire phone,” Jyoti Mutta, Senior Consultant, Microbiology, Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute in New Delhi, had said.

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Indian spices-which adds test in your life : Ayurveda



Indian spices

Smell that gives the fealing of heaven when something is cooking in the kitchen, is due to the spices. Spices are the one of the best ingredient in food which enhances the taste, texture, smell of food. It is best nutritional product when used in moderate amount. It widely used in every indian kitchen. There are many type of spices like  fennel, mustard, nutmeg, black pepper, Cayenne pepper, cinnamon,cassia, cloves, saffron, turmeric, ginger, galangal, etc. India is one of largest spice producer in the world.

A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food. Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are the leaves, flowers, or stems of plants used for flavoring or as a garnish. Spices are sometimes used in medicine, religious rituals, cosmetics or perfume production. A spices may be available in several forms such as fresh, whole dried, or pre-ground dried. Generally, spices are dried. Spices may be ground into a powder for convenience.         Every meal offers an opportunity to build a better relationship with your body and mind

Nutritional value of spices

Spices contain few amount of calories with large amount of carbohydrates, protein, fats and considerable amount of mineral and micronutrient(iron, magnesium, calcium, and many others) and few amount of vitamins. Some spices have high antioxidant(protect against free radical) value.

Health benefits of spices

  1. spices helps in eliminating metabolic toxins(also known as body cleanser).

  2. improves immunity.

  3. it shows anti-oxidant, anti-tumoral/anti cancerous, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, insect repellent properties.

  4. many spices improve brain function and boosts memory

5) spices increases the heat of body which helpful against tridoshas( vata, cough, pitta)                       Many different species shows many different health benefits

•These are good for health ( if they are used in moderate amount) •Different spices are used according to need

Different types of spices according to classification

Seeds:  fennel, mustard, nutmeg, and black pepper

Fruits:  Cayenne pepper

Arils(specialized outgrowth from a seed that partly or completely covers the seed):  mace

Barks:  cinnamon, cassia

Flower buds(undeveloped or embryonic shoot and normally occurs in the axil of a leaf or at the tip of a stem):  cloves

Stigmas(receptive tip of a carpel, in the gynoecium of a flower):  saffron

Roots and rhizomes:  turmeric, ginger and galangal

Resins(solid or highly viscous substance of plant ):  asafoetida

Some Indian Spice mix:

1. Chaat masala (It typically consists of amchoor (dried mango powder), cumin, coriander, dried ginger, salt (often kala namak), black pepper, asafoetida (hing) and chili powder.)

                       It is used to sprinkle on potatoes, fruit, egg toasts, potato fries, fresh vegetables and regular salads in India.

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