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Deep Hips with Nuria Reed




Dive deep into your hips, which represent our ability to move forward in life, exploring lunges, Modified Side Plank, and Half Cow-Faced Pose. Nuria leads us in a seated meditation, and offers several mudras, or hand gestures, to assist in calming the emotions. You will feel quiet and spacious.

What You’ll Need: Mat, Blanket, Block


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AmphetaDesk – Syndicated Aggregator



What People Are Saying:

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AmphetaDesk is a free, cross platform, open-sourced, syndicated news
aggregator – it obediently sits on your desktop, downloads the latest news
that interests you, and displays them in a quick and easy to use (and
customizable!) webpage. With thousands of channels available, AmphetaDesk
can shave hours off your day – and you’ll look smart to all your friends!
Egotism never had it better!

  • Installation – Easy install for Mac and Windows; Linux installation notes.
  • Latest News – Readable via the web or AmphetaDesk.
  • Kudos and Presspit – Hear what users and press have been saying about AmphetaDesk.

AmphetaDesk’s powerful backend allows easy modification to the templates
and internal source code shipped with your download, whether you’re on Mac,
Windows, Linux or some unheard of beast from limitless fathoms. Know someone
else who tweaked their AmphetaDesk? You can perform the same tweaks on your
own, gaining flexibility and control, allowing AmphetaDesk to be all you
want and need it to be. Here, we’ll talk about various ways of improving
your use of AmphetaDesk, as well as walking you through what others have
done already.

AmphetaDesk is developed with Perl and XML. All GUI functions are coded
in Perl using libraries from the specific OS as well (since forcing the user
to download Tk is a bad thing). Runtime versions are built with Perl2EXE
(for Windows), MacPerl (for Mac OS 9 and below) and ProjectBuilder (OS X).
The latest source code is available from SourceForge
and is designed to figure out what OS you’re using at the time and
load in the correct libraries (although you’ll probably need to download and
install various modules from CPAN). Besides the module dependency, the
source code should work without modification.

AmphetaDesk wouldn’t be possible without the contributions of (alphabetically):
Dave Beckett (http header code),
David Berube (who’s effort with the Win32 GUI code was impressive),
Tara Calishan (a constant promoter, her insight as a researcher has been invaluable),
Jan Chrillesen (for listing the FreeBSD ports necessary for an AmphetaDesk install),
Chad Cloman (for pointing out my rather idiotic misuse of substr),
William Eastler (who helped get AmphetaDesk off the ground),
Alan Fry (who contributed large amounts of effort to Mac GUI code that has yet to be used),
Steve Ivy (he of constant feature badgering and alpha hack tweaking),
Raun Nohavitza (for a Win32 patch to act properly when started/minimized via a shortcut),
l.m.orchard (for the Mac OS X native GUI wrapper),
Klaus Johannes Rusch (who reworked our networking code to support proxies and more),
Bayle Shanks (for waxing poetic about an easier way to install AmphetaDesk on Debian),
Mads Toftum (contributor of code to fix some channel deletion bugs),
Eric Vitiello (an all around excellent contributer),
and Jeremy Zawodny (for hunting down a few bugs and patching them).
If I’ve forgotten others, please let me know.

  • CHANGELOG – What’s been happening from version to version.
  • LICENSE – The Clarified Artistic License from NcFTP.
  • TODO – Things forthcoming for the future.

These are old versions. How dare you want these! Scroll up, scroll up!


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Stay Up To Date with the AmphetaDesk Community.



By joining the amphetadesk-discuss mailing list, you’ll be able to keep up to date on the newest happenings in the AmphetaDesk community, whether it be fixes for tricky bugs, tweaks that have been applied to other installations, mentions of AmphetaDesk in the press, or quick answers to common tech support questions.


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AmphetaDesk – What’s New?



AmphetaDesk – What’s New?

After an impromptu poll on the amphetadesk-discuss
mailing list, it came to light that people wanted quicker releases,
not large “gee whiz, look at all this stuff!” attempts. As such,
AmphetaDesk v0.93.1 was released on October 31st, 2002, bringing
with it mostly bugfixes, security enhancements and minor feature
updates here and there. Read on, dear news hound:

  • Improved Compatibility: AmphetaDesk once again
    works on Windows 95 and Macintosh OS 7-9. I’d like to apologize for all the
    Mac users that had to wait patiently, and all the Windows 95 users that were
    caught unaware (as was I). Don’t hesitate to let me know if things aren’t
    quite right.
  • Optional Radio Userland Listening: AmphetaDesk can
    now optionally parse the “coffee mug” icon that is often shown on
    Radio Userland produced websites.
    This feature is turned off by default (as it could conflict with an existing
    installation of Radio Userland on your machine). More information is
    available on AmphetaDesk’s “My Settings” page once you install the v0.93.1
  • New Minor Features: Nothing super
    exciting, but noteworthy additions include:

    • A channel’s email address is now saved in myChannels.opml.
    • A frontend to modifying the HTTP referer has been added.
    • Authenticated proxies are now supported.
    • Channel descriptive data is now updated after each parse.
    • Channels and settings are now saved before being shut down.
    • Encoded content from mod_content is now displayed.
    • HTTP headers are now output correctly for proxy servers.
    • PNG images are now displayed correctly.
    • Templates have been tweaked for more speed.
  • Security Updates: I consider these three
    tiny lines to be reason alone for your updating:

    • Access from machines other than localhost is off by default.
    • URLs are now checked for funny business.
    • We no longer divulge the full path on a 404.
  • Bug Fixes: For more geekish explanations
    and fixes, check out the CHANGELOG:

    • AmphetaDesk.log may not have been saved in the correct directory.
    • Defaulting to “https://www.disobey.com/index.html” on a directory request works correctly on Win32.
    • Importing feeds no longer clobbers existing attributes not in the source.
    • Matching filenames randomize to four places now, not two.
    • Old, unsubscribed channel data is now removed at startup.
    • OS X: Cleaned up some extraneous logging to the window.
    • Removed our ugly onClick img hack on a channel deletion.
    • We no longer crash on XML files encoded as UTF-8 with BOM.
    • We no longer crash on feeds that have more than one channel.
    • We no longer die when a channel has only one item.
    • We no longer die when myChannels.opml only has one channel.
    • Webserver shutdown was not correct, causing the port to remain open.
    • Win32: Proper systray and window maximization now occurs.



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Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers



Anti-Trump protests take place across Mexico

Mexico is ready to hit the U.S. where it hurts: Corn.

Mexico is one of the top buyers of American corn in the world today. And Mexican senator Armando Rios Piter, who leads a congressional committee on foreign relations, says he will introduce a bill this week where Mexico will buy corn from Brazil and Argentina instead of the United States.

It’s one of the first signs of potential concrete action from Mexico in response to President Trump’s threats against the country.

“I’m going to send a bill for the corn that we are buying in the Midwest and…change to Brazil or Argentina,” Rios Piter, 43, told told CNN’s Leyla Santiago on Sunday at an anti-Trump protest in Mexico City.

He added: It’s a “good way to tell them that this hostile relationship has consequences, hope that it changes.”

American corn goes into a lot of the country’s food. In Mexico City, from fine dining restaurants to taco stands on the street, corn-based favorites like tacos can be found everywhere.

Related: Mexican farmer’s daughter: NAFTA destroyed us

America is also the world’s largest producer and exporter of corn. American corn shipments to Mexico have catapulted since NAFTA, a free trade deal signed between Mexico, America and Canada.

American farmers sent $2.4 billion of corn to Mexico in 2015, the most recent year of available data. In 1995, the year after NAFTA became law, corn exports to Mexico were a mere $391 million.

Experts say such a bill would be very costly to U.S. farmers.

“If we do indeed see a trade war where Mexico starts buying from Brazil…we’re going to see it affect the corn market and ripple out to the rest of the ag economy,” says Darin Newsom, senior analyst at DTN, an agricultural management firm.

Rios Piter’s bill is another sign of Mexico’s willingness to respond to Trump’s threats. Trump wants to make Mexico pay for a wall on the border, and he’s threatened taxes on Mexican imports ranging from 20% to 35%.

Trump also wants to renegotiate NAFTA. He blames it for a flood of manufacturing jobs to Mexico. A nonpartisan congressional research report found that not to be true.

Related: Mexico doubles down on Trump ‘contingency plan’

Still, Trump says he wants a better trade deal for the American worker — though he hasn’t said what a better deal looks like.

All sides signaled two weeks ago that negotiations would begin in May after a 90-day consultation period.

But Trump says if negotiations don’t bear the deal he wants, he threatens to withdraw from NAFTA.

Such tough talk isn’t received well by Mexican leaders like Rios Piter. He’s not alone. Mexico’s economy minister, Ildefonso Guajardo, said in January Mexico would respond “immediately” to any tariffs from Trump.

“It’s very clear that we have to be prepared to immediately be able to neutralize the impact of a measure of that nature,” Guajardo said Jan. 13 on a Mexican news show.

–Shasta Darlington contributed reporting to this story

CNNMoney (Mexico City) First published February 13, 2017: 12:06 PM ET


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Covid-19: Iran reports lowest virus infections since March 10



Iran said on Saturday there was a “clear drop” in the number of new coronavirus infections as it reported 802 fresh cases, the lowest daily count since March 10.

The new cases brought to 96,448, the number recorded in Iran since it announced its first cases in mid-February.

“This shows a clear drop in the number of new infections compared to recent weeks, despite our active testing,” health ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said on state television.

He added that 77,350 of those hospitalised have since been discharged, claiming it is a “one of the highest recovery percentages in the world.”

New deaths from Covid-19 rose slightly to 65 in the past 24 hours, reaching a total of 6,156, Jahanpour said.

Doubts have been cast over Iran’s coronavirus figures by experts and officials both at home and abroad.

Iran’s deputy health minister Iraj Harirchi warned that the fall in the number of infections could quickly reverse.

“I emphasise that this steady decline is fragile,” said Harirchi, who has himself recovered from COVID-19.
“Carelessness in gatherings, reopening (businesses) and observing health protocols can make the country face serious problems again.”

He also called on the government to increase health sector spending, which he said had been hit by fiscal pressures resulting from sweeping US sanctions and the global economic contraction sparked by the coronavirus.

Iran has tried to contain the spread of the virus by shutting schools, universities, cinemas and stadiums among other public spaces since March.

But it has allowed a phased reopening of its economy since April 11, and authorities are now mulling allowing sports, cultural and religious centres too.

Tehran authorities, who have kept public transportation running despite warnings from health experts, made it mandatory for passengers to wear masks as of Saturday.

The virus has not spared public figures, with at least 12 current or former government officials or lawmakers dead and more infected.

One of the most senior — parliament speaker Ali Larijani — made his first public appearance in a month on Saturday, donning a protective mask to attend a televised meeting alongside the president and the head of the judiciary.

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READ | Lockdown 3.0: Breathing space for business

WATCH | Covid-19 lockdown 3.0: Know what’s allowed and what’s not

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‘America First’ could turn into ‘India First’



What is an H-1B visa?

America is great because of its willingness to accept talented immigrants.

That’s what Nandan Nilekani, the billionaire co-founder of Infosys Technologies, would tell President Trump if he had the opportunity.

“If you really want to keep the U.S. … globally competitive, you should be open to overseas talent,” Nilekani said on the sidelines of CNN’s Asia Business Forum in Bangalore.

Infosys (INFY) is India’s second-largest outsourcing firm, and a major recipient of U.S. H-1B visas. The documents allow the tech firm to employ a huge number of Indians in U.S. jobs.

The Trump administration is now considering significant changes to the visa program. Press Secretary Sean Spicer said in January that Trump will continue to talk about reforming the H-1B program, among others, as part of a larger push for immigration reform.

Curbs on the visas could hit Indian workers hardest.

India is the top source of high-skilled labor for the U.S. tech industry. According to U.S. government data, 70% of the hugely popular H-1B visas go to Indians.

Shares in several Indian tech companies — including Infosys — plunged spectacularly two weeks ago amid reports of an impending work visa crackdown.

Related: Tech industry braces for Trump’s visa reform

Nilekani said it would be a mistake for the administration to follow through.

“Indian companies have done a great deal to help U.S. companies become more competitive, and I think that should continue,” Nilekani said. “If you look at the Silicon Valley … most of the companies have an immigrant founder.”

India’s contribution to the industry — especially at top levels — has been outsized. The current CEOs of Google (GOOG) and Microsoft (MSFT), for example, were both born in India.

Related: India freaks out over U.S. plans to change high-skilled visas

But Nilekani, who is also the architect of India’s ambitious biometric ID program, suggested that India would ultimately benefit from any new restrictions put in place under Trump’s “America First” plan. If talented engineers can’t go to the U.S., they will stay in India.

“This issue of visas has always come up in the U.S. every few years, especially during election season,” he said. “It’s actually accelerated the development work [in India], because … people are investing more to do the work here.”

Nilekani cited his own projects for the Indian government as an example.

The Bangalore-born entrepreneur left Infosys in 2009 to run India’s massive social security program, which is known as Aadhaar. As a result of the initiative, the vast majority of India’s 1.3 billion citizens now have a biometric ID number that allows them to receive government services, execute bank transactions and even make biometric payments.

“It was built by extremely talented and committed Indians,” Nilekani said. “Many of them had global experience, but they brought that talent and experience to solve India’s problems.”

Nilekani said the country’s massive youth population is increasingly choosing to stay home and pitch in.

“It’s India first,” he said.

CNNMoney (Bangalore, India) First published February 13, 2017: 2:19 PM ET


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Islamic State militants kill 10 in coordinated attack in Iraq



It was the deadliest of a series of attacks in recent weeks that come as authorities are grappling with a worsening economic crisis and trying to contain a coronavirus outbreak.

Islamic State militants kill 10 in coordinated attack in Iraq (File | AP)

Islamic State militants killed at least 10 Iraqi militia men in a coordinated assault overnight near the central city of Samarra, security officials said Saturday, adding to concerns the extremist group that once controlled large areas of the country is staging a comeback.

The military and the Popular Mobilization Forces, an umbrella group of mostly Shiite militias allied with the government, confirmed the attack in separate statements. It was the deadliest of a series of attacks in recent weeks that come as authorities are grappling with a worsening economic crisis and trying to contain a coronavirus outbreak.

Iraq declared victory over Islamic State in December 2017 after a costly three-year campaign. At its height, the group controlled around a third of Iraq and neighboring Syria, which it governed in accordance with a harsh and violent interpretation of Islamic law.

In recent months, remnants of Islamic State have exploited security gaps resulting from a territorial dispute between Iraq’s central government and the autonomous Kurdish region in the north, as well as the withdrawal of US forces in a planned drawdown.

Last week, a suicide bomber targeted an intelligence office in the northern city of Kirkuk, wounding at least three security forces in the first such attack in months.

The PMF said six of its fighters were killed by direct fire late Friday in the village of Mekeeshfa, south of Tikrit. Another three fighters were killed by a roadside bomb as reinforcements were called in. A 10th militiaman was shot dead in the nearby village of Tal al-Dahab.

The coordinated attack occurred around 60 miles (95 kilometers) north of the capital, Baghdad.

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US commits over $775 million to help other countries fight Covid-19: US State Dept



Since the Covid-19 outbreak, the US has committed over $775 million in emergency health, humanitarian and economic assistance that will help over 120 countries, including India, in fighting the pandemic, the State Department has said, as the deadly disease claimed over 230,000 lives and infected over 3.3 million people.

According to a fact sheet released by the US State Department on Friday, the over $775 million assistance is specifically aimed at helping governments, international organisations, and NGOs to fight the pandemic.

This funding, provided by Congress, will save lives by improving public health education, protecting healthcare facilities, and increasing laboratory, disease-surveillance, and rapid-response capacity in more than 120 countries, it said.

India has received $5.9 million in health assistance to hinder the spread of the disease by providing care for the affected, disseminating essential public health messages to communities and strengthen case-finding and surveillance, it said.

This builds on a foundation of nearly $2.8 billion in total assistance to India over the last 20 years, which includes more than $1.4 billion for health.

In South Asia, Afghanistan ($18 million), Pakistan ($15 million) and Bangladesh ($12.3 million), have received more in Covid-19 health assistance from the US, it said.

America’s Covid-19 assistance to-date includes nearly $200 million in emergency health assistance from USAID’s Global Health Emergency Reserve Fund for Contagious Infectious-Disease Outbreaks and Global Health Programs account.

These funds prioritised interventions to mitigate and prepare communities in developing countries affected and at a risk of Covid-19.

It has provided nearly $300 million in humanitarian assistance from USAID’s International Disaster Assistance (IDA) account.

These funds prioritise populations affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis, particularly displaced people, because of their heightened vulnerability, the elevated risk of severe outbreaks in camps and informal settlements and anticipated disproportionate mortality in these populations.

It has provided more than $150 million from the Economic Support Fund (ESF). These funds will promote American foreign policy interests by supporting shorter-term mitigation efforts and addressing second-order impacts from the pandemic in the long term, across a variety of sectors.

More than $130 million in humanitarian assistance from the Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA) account, provided through the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. These funds will help international organisations and NGO partners address challenges posed by the pandemic in refugee, IDP, and hosting communities as well as other migrants and other vulnerable people in both global and local humanitarian responses.

This new assistance is in addition to the over $100 billion in global health funding and nearly $70 billion in overseas humanitarian assistance provided by the US in the last decade alone.

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Will the iPhone 8 charge wirelessly?



Happy 10th birthday, iPhone

You may never have to plug in your iPhone again.

Apple has joined an industry group devoted to wireless charging, strengthening existing rumors that the next iPhone will charge without a cord. The Wireless Power Consortium, which is made up of some 200 organizations that promote a single wireless charging standard, confirmed to CNNTech that Apple joined the group last week.

IPhone rumors swirl months before each new version is announced, and hype around the so-called ‘iPhone 8″ is particularly high: Apple (AAPL) is expected to unveil a major redesign of the this fall to mark the 10-year anniversary of the smartphone.

The company has already shown interest in doing away with cumbersome cords. The Apple Watch charges wirelessly, provided consumers spend $79 on a magnetic charging dock. And the latest MacBook now comes with only one USB port.

Related: Apple stock nears a record high

Apple would also create another iPhone revenue stream by selling a wireless charging station separately. The feature would simplify charging for smartphone owners. Rather than plugging in one’s phone, a user would only need to place it on the charging dock.

Apple said in a statement Monday it was joining the Wireless Power Consortium to contribute its ideas as wireless charging standards are developed.

As for the speculated possible features of the next iPhone, other rumors include an edge-to-edge display, a glass body and the removal of the home button.

CNNMoney (Washington) First published February 13, 2017: 2:42 PM ET


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US announces relaxations to employers petitioning for H-1B visas



The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said in the notice that it will consider a response to the above requests and notices received within 60 calendar days after the response due date set in the request or notice before taking action.

The USCIS will consider a Form I-290B received up to 60 calendar days from the date of the decision before it takes any action. (Image for representation: Reuters)

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a notice on Saturday saying that the agency has extended the flexibilities it announced on March 30 to assist applicants and petitioners who are responding to:

1. Requests for Evidence
2. Continuations to Request Evidence (N-14)
3. Notices of Intent to Deny
4. Notices of Intent to Revoke
5. Notices of Intent to Rescind and Notices of Intent to Terminate regional investment centers
6. Filing date requirements for Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion.
7. Notice/Request/Decision Issuance date

Most of these apply for petitions for H-1B visas.

A 60-day breather

This flexibility applies to the above documents if the issuance date listed on the request, notice or decision is between March 1 and July 1, 2020, inclusive.

The USCIS said in the notice that it will consider a response to the above requests and notices received within 60 calendar days after the response due date set in the request or notice before taking action.

The USCIS will also consider a Form I-290B received up to 60 calendar days from the date of the decision before it takes any action.

The notice further read: “The USCIS is adopting several measures to protect our workforce and community and to minimize the immigration consequences for those seeking immigration benefits during this time.”

The agency said it will provide further updates as the situation develops and will continue to follow Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance.

(Inputs from Geeta Mohan)

IndiaToday.in has plenty of useful resources that can help you better understand the coronavirus pandemic and protect yourself. Read our comprehensive guide (with information on how the virus spreads, precautions and symptoms), watch an expert debunk myths, check out our data analysis of cases in India, and access our dedicated coronavirus page. Get the latest updates here.

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Chief Guterre’s ceasefire appeal is global: UN spokesman as Pakistan engages in unprovoked firing along LoC



The ceasefire appeal by United Nations chief Antonio Guterres amidst the novel coronavirus pandemic is global and should be applied everywhere, including along the Line of Control, his spokesperson said, as Pakistani forces engaged in unprovoked firing along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir this week that killed an Indian national.

India on Friday registered a strong protest with Pakistan over the killing of an Indian national in unprovoked firing by Pakistani forces along the LoC in Poonch district on Thursday.

“The Secretary-General’s appeal for a global ceasefire is exactly that. It is global, and it should be applied everywhere,” UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said on Friday.

Dujarric was responding to a question on the unprovoked firing by Pakistan at the Line of Control even as the UN chief has appealed for a global ceasefire in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Pakistan Army targeted Qasba, Kirni, Shapur and Mankote sectors of Poonch, Indian officials said.

There have been frequent incidents of ceasefire violation by the Pakistani side since India announced its decision to withdraw special status of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcate it into two union territories in August last year.

Pakistan often resorts to ceasefire violations to push militants into the Indian side. Indian troops have also been retaliating to Pakistani actions under its policy of hot pursuit.

Pakistan Army on Thursday claimed that a 34-year-old Pakistani soldier and two women were killed in firing allegedly by the Indian troops across the Line of Control (LoC) on April 29.

Dujarric added he has not got any updates from the UN colleagues in the United Nation Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) on the situation.

The UNMOGIP, established in January 1949, observes and reports on ceasefire violations along and across the LoC and the Working Boundary between the two neighbours in Jammu and Kashmir, as well as reports developments that could lead to ceasefire violations.

India, however, maintains that UNMOGIP has “outlived its relevance” after the Simla Agreement signed between the two countries in 1972.

IndiaToday.in has plenty of useful resources that can help you better understand the coronavirus pandemic and protect yourself. Read our comprehensive guide (with information on how the virus spreads, precautions and symptoms), watch an expert debunk myths, check out our data analysis of cases in India, and access our dedicated coronavirus page. Get the latest updates here.

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UNSC President Estonia calls Security Council’s handling of Covid-19 a shame



Estonia, the president of the United Nations Security Council for May, said it was a “shame” that the powerful UN body did not fulfill its responsibility in tackling the Covid-19 outbreak and slammed “stumbling blocks” in passing a resolution on the pandemic.

“I think it is a shame that we have not been able to take the leadership. There are certain reasons for that. But Estonia has been one of the most active in pushing very strongly for more than a month already to be there, and for the Security Council to stand where it should stand,” said Ambassador Sven Jürgenson, permanent representative of the Republic of Estonia to the United Nations and president of the Security Council for May on Friday.

During a virtual press briefing, Jürgenson responded to questions on the lack of action by the council to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and its failure to adopt a single resolution on the global crisis.

The ambassador said he personally hoped that a Security Council resolution on Covid-19 “would have been voted two or three weeks ago.”

He said a vote on the resolution “might happen now, it might happen next week”.

“There are stumbling blocks. The situation is blocked at the moment. But the talks are very intensely continuing and they are continuing at a high level and I hope that we can really come out of the gridlock,” Jürgenson said.

Two separate resolutions — one by the five permanent members of the council drafted by France and one by the elected 10 non-permanent members drafted by Tunisia — have now been combined and there is one resolution on the table, Jürgenson said, adding that there is still no consensus on the draft due to differences between two permanent members — referring to the US and China.

“There are some political differences between some security council member states. The work is continuing. I hope that these differences will be resolved as swiftly as possible,” he said.

Stating that the council is responsible to deal with the crisis, Jürgenson said the other members were “looking forward” to moving ahead with the resolution

“I know very well as a member of the council (of) the responsibility we have. I know the world is looking up to us and I really truly hope that as a president of the council, I will be able to in some way facilitate and help to get this thing moving,” he said.

The coronavirus, which first surfaced in China’s Wuhan city in December last, has claimed over 238,000 lives and infected 3.3 million people across the world.

The 15-nation UN Council is yet to adopt a single resolution on the crisis despite weeks of negotiations.

According to some media reports, diplomats say a key sticking point between the US and China is related to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the council resolution.

Washington has strongly criticised the WHO for its handling of the coronavirus outbreak. US President Donald Trump last month stopped American funds to the specialised UN agency.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, in response to a question on global leadership dealing with the pandemic during a press conference this week, said, “It is obvious that there is a lack of leadership. It is obvious the international community is divided in a moment where it would be more important than ever to be united. There is, indeed, a problem of leadership or, if you want, a disconnect between leadership and power.

“We see remarkable examples of leadership, but they are usually not associated with power. And where we see power, we sometimes do not see the necessary leadership. I hope this will be overcome sooner rather than later,” the UN Chief said.

The draft resolution by Tunisia on behalf of the 10 non-permanent members calls for “an urgent, coordinated and united international action to curb the impact of COVID-19.”

The French resolution focusses on Guterres’s call for a global ceasefire as part of a “humanitarian pause” to combat the pandemic.

IndiaToday.in has plenty of useful resources that can help you better understand the coronavirus pandemic and protect yourself. Read our comprehensive guide (with information on how the virus spreads, precautions and symptoms), watch an expert debunk myths, check out our data analysis of cases in India, and access our dedicated coronavirus page. Get the latest updates here.

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Amid attack from Trump, WHO praises China for handling coronavirus pandemic



The World Health Organisation has praised China for handling the coronavirus pandemic, and said that the other countries need to learn from Wuhan on how the epicentre of the virus was bringing the society back to normal, a day after US President Donald Trump likened the global health body to a public relations agency for Beijing.

Trump on Thursday said the WHO should be “ashamed” of itself, as he compared the UN”s health organ to a public relations agency for China amidst the coronavirus pandemic after it originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan.

The Trump administration has launched a probe into the role of the WHO on coronavirus, and has temporarily suspended the US’ financial assistance to it.

Many countries, including Germany, Britain and Australia, are blaming China for the spread of coronavirus, that has killed over 2,35,000 people globally, including 64,000 Americans, and has infected 3.3 million.

Noting that there are zero Covid-19 cases in Wuhan, Maria van Kerkhove, the technical lead for the WHO”s Health Emergencies Programme at a virtual press briefing in Geneva, said, “that”s very very welcome news to hear that there are no more severe cases, no more patients in Wuhan.”

“So congratulations on this achievement,” state-run Xinhua news agency quoted her as saying on Saturday.

“The world has learned from China and we need to continue to learn from Wuhan on how they are lifting those measures, how they are bringing society back to normal, or a new normal, in terms of how we”re going to live with this virus going forward,” she said.

Health officials in Wuhan, where the coronavirus emerged in December last year, said all Covid-19 cases were cleared from hospitals on Sunday.

The Hubei province and its capital Wuhan have not reported coronavirus cases for 28 consecutive days since April 4, the local health commission said on Saturday.

The central province also lowered its emergency level from highest to next level on Saturday.

The lowering of the emergency level shows a major breakthrough in Hubei’s prevention and control against Covid-19, Vice-Governor of Hubei Yang Yunyan told the media on Friday.

The province, however, reported 647 asymptomatic cases, which are under medical observation. Hubei has so far reported 68,128 confirmed Covid-19 cases in total, including 50,333 in Wuhan.

Amid criticism of under reporting of cases, Wuhan on April 17 revised its death toll by 50 per cent, taking the number of fatalities to 3,869.

The death toll in China stood at 4,633 as of Thursday, with 82,874 overall confirmed cases.

As one of the China-WHO joint experts, who visited China in February for a field study, van Kerkhove said, “China has worked very hard to bring the outbreak under control.”

“I was there for two weeks and working directly with ministry officials, and officials from all different sectors, from hospitals, through communities, to really see what was put in place to bring those numbers down,” she said.

Van Kerkhove said she appreciated the “tireless efforts” of the people in Wuhan — “not just the healthcare workers but the individuals who stayed in their homes, who adhered to the public health measures.”

“We take our hats off to you, and we thank you for your commitment and your service, and for sharing with us in the world what you”ve been able to do,” she said.

She also asked people in Wuhan to “remain vigilant,” in case new cases appear.

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Several states in US ease their coronavirus lockdowns



More than a dozen states let restaurants, stores or other businesses reopen Friday in the biggest one-day push yet to get their economies up and running again, acting at their own speed and with their own quirks and restrictions to make sure the coronavirus doesn’t come storming back.

People in Louisiana could eat at restaurants again but had to sit outside at tables 10 feet (3 meters) apart with no waiter service.

Maine residents could attend church services as long as they stayed in their cars. And a Nebraska mall reopened with plexiglass barriers and hand-sanitizing stations but few shoppers.

“I feel like I just got out of jail!” accountant Joy Palermo exclaimed as she sat down with a bacon-garnished bloody Mary at the Gretna Depot Cafe outside New Orleans.

Meanwhile, the first drug shown to help fight COVID-19 won emergency approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In a major study, remdesivir shortened patients’ recovery time from 15 days to 11 on average and may have also reduced deaths.

The virus has killed more than 230,000 people worldwide, including over 64,000 in the U.S. and more than 20,000 each in Italy, Britain, France and Spain, forcing lockdowns that have shuttered factories and businesses, thrown tens of millions out of work and throttled the world’s economies.

President Donald Trump said Friday that he’s hoping the total number of COVID-19 deaths in the United States will be below 100,000, which he acknowledged is a “horrible number.”

Trump’s predictions of the expected U.S. death toll have changed over time, with his earlier 60,000 projection now being eclipsed.

But he said at a White House event that “maybe millions of lives” have been saved by shutting down the economy.

With the crisis stabilizing in Europe and in many places in the U.S., countries and states are gradually easing their restrictions amid warnings from health experts that a second wave of infections could hit unless testing for the virus is expanded dramatically.

In much of Colorado, people could get their hair cut and shop at stores again, though stay-at-home orders remained in place in Denver and surrounding counties. Wyoming let barbershops, nail salons, gyms and daycare centers reopen.

In Maine, golf courses, hairdressers and dentists opened.

Hotels near South Carolina beaches opened and state parks unlocked their gates for the first time in more than a month.

But in Myrtle Beach, the state’s most popular tourist destination, hotel elevators will be restricted to one person or one family – a potential inconvenience at the area’s 15- and 20-story resorts.

Texas’ reopening got underway with sparse crowds at shopping malls and restaurants allowing customers to dine in, though only at 25 per cent capacity in most places.

A video posted on social media showed a city park ranger in Austin getting shoved into the water Thursday while asking people in a crowd to keep 6 feet (2 meters) apart from each other. Police charged a 25-year-old man with attempted assault.

At Gattuso’s Restaurant in Gretna, Louisiana, Kent and Doris Alimia and their daughters, Molly and Emily, celebrated Molly Alimia’s 22nd birthday at one of the outdoor tables, which were screened by plants in wooden planters 5 feet high.

“It’s a nice change of scenery to actually get out of the house,” Molly Alimia said.

Outside Omaha, Nebraska, Jasmine Ramos was among a half-dozen shoppers wandering the open-air Nebraska Crossing mall. Most wore masks.

“I do think it’s a little soon, but it’s kind of slow and there aren’t a lot of people here, so I’m not too worried,” Ramos said.

Restrictions were still in place in Arizona, but warnings from police and health officials didn’t stop Debbie Thompson from serving food Friday inside her Horseshoe Cafe in Wickenburg, a town of 6,300 people about 65 miles (105 kilometers) west of Phoenix.

Cheered on by a few customers, Thompson was not arrested, but she later received a call from the state Department of Health Services telling her to stop violating Gov. Doug Ducey’s stay-at-home order.

Around the country, protesters have demanded governors reboot the battered economy.

More than 100 people chanted and carried signs in front of Chicago’s Thompson Center, where Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has an office, to call for an end to the statewide lockdown.

Pritzker has said he will not lift his order until it’s safe, and several counterprotesters expressed support for his position.

Nurse anesthetist Benjamin Salazar held up a sign that read, “Stay home. We are getting tired of seeing people die.”

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham invoked the state’s Riot Control Act as she sealed off all roads to nonessential traffic in the city of Gallup, population 70,000, to help control a surging coronavirus outbreak in the former trading post on the outskirts of the Navajo reservation.”

In the hardest-hit corner of the U.S., New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said schools and colleges will remain closed through the rest of the academic year.

In Washington state, where the nation’s first COVID-19 case was confirmed in January, Gov. Jay Inslee said Friday that he is extending the state’s coronavirus stay-at-home order through at least May 31 and that he will ease the restrictions in four stages.

IndiaToday.in has plenty of useful resources that can help you better understand the coronavirus pandemic and protect yourself. Read our comprehensive guide (with information on how the virus spreads, precautions and symptoms), watch an expert debunk myths, check out our data analysis of cases in India, and access our dedicated coronavirus page.

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