Home BUSINESS News Tesla Ends Streak of Record Quarterly Profits After China Factory Shutdown

Tesla Ends Streak of Record Quarterly Profits After China Factory Shutdown

Tesla Ends Streak of Record Quarterly Profits After China Factory Shutdown


Tesla’s second-quarter production was limited by Covid-related restrictions in China and supply-chain disruptions.


jade gao/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Tesla Inc.

TSLA 0.80%

reported its first sequential decline in quarterly profit in more than a year as it recovers from an extended shutdown at its Shanghai assembly plant.

The electric-car maker on Wednesday reported second-quarter revenue of $16.9 billion, down from $18.8 billion in the first quarter. Analysts had expected Tesla to report around $16.5 billion in sales.

The world’s most valuable car company posted $2.3 billion in second-quarter profit, ahead of the $1.9 billion Wall Street was expecting and below its record quarterly profit of $3.3 billion in the first three months of the year. It generated $1.1 billion in profit during last year’s second quarter.

(More to come)

Write to Rebecca Elliott at rebecca.elliott@wsj.com

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