Flu Infection: How long are you contagious when you have the flu?


With the current strain of flu infections, one of the reasons why the symptoms can last for longer is the deficient exposure risk. While flu infections were milder last year, we were also taking proper hygiene measures. Now, not only has our exposure to the flu virus become low, the incubation period of the virus is also something we must consider, which refers to the time between contracting the virus and symptoms developing. For the flu, a typical incubation period can be 2 days, but it can remain for upto 4 days as well.

Since, with the flu, there’s a risk of spreading the infection more prevalent than COVID (as right now we are more cautious about COVID right now, and may dismiss off flu symptoms to a routine cold), it can be highly risky and easier to spread the infection to others. Experts also say that when a person has the flu, they are the most contagious in the first 3-4 days, when there’s a higher likelihood of experiencing symptoms like coughing and sneezing, which could release respiratory droplets. The risk of contagion, like with COVID can also be high a day before you start to experience symptoms.


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