Messy Cake No More! Viral Video Shows How To Cut Even Slices From Cake


Imagine you are hosting a party and have invited a number of your close friends. The highlight of the event is a delicious-looking round cake. When the time comes for you to cut the slices and serve, you are left confused. Yes, we agree that cutting equal size slices without creating a mess is quite a complicated task. While there are many techniques to cut a round-shaped cake, a recent viral hack we saw simply seemed to be the best pick. An Instagram video showed us a handy cake-cutting hack that assists you in serving neat slices. Take a look:

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The video was shared by Bakery chain owner Philly, the cake lady. “Here is an easy way to cut a round birthday cake without butchering it as so many of us has done. I hope this helps,” read the caption of her post. In the video, Philly is seen cutting a buttercream cake with white cream frosting right from the centre into two halves. Next, she cuts out neat and thin slices – without smudging the cream – from one of the halves. 

So far, the clip has clocked over 4.3 million views on Instagram. But, looks like the Internet is not particularly impressed with the hack for multiple reasons. While some suggested that they would be “disappointed” and “annoyed” if somebody served them thin slices of the cake, others complained that the cake was not being cut in proportions. 

Also Read: How To Cut Birthday Cake With Wine Glasses – Viral Hack Has Got The Internet Obsessed


“Don’t invite me to your party if the slices are that thin, lol,” a user said. Another commented, “I wouldbe so annoyed with this lil bitty piece of cake!” “Buy a bigger cake so guests aren’t disappointed with such a small slice of cake,” read a comment on the post. 

An individual stated that the technique didn’t ensure “even distribution of icing.”

One of the users even suggested an alternate way to cut a round cake. “Nope! Cut a circle in about three inches in the center and you get way more cake”. 

What according to you is the ideal way to cut a round-shaped cake? Tell us in the comments. 


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